Gnome Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Gnomes are a fascinating and unique race that emerged as a result of elves adapting to a specific environment during the cataclysm. They are known for their small stature, inherent curiosity, and affinity for the natural world. Gnomes are typically shorter in height compared to most other races, standing around 3 to 4 feet tall (0.9 to 1.2 meters). Despite their small size, they possess a wiry and nimble build, allowing them to move swiftly and gracefully. Gnomes have delicate features with expressive eyes, pointed ears, and mischievous smiles. Their skin tones vary, ranging from fair to deep tan, often reflecting the environment they have adapted to.   These adaptable elves, who became known as gnomes, developed a profound connection with nature during their prolonged isolation. They formed intricate bonds with the plants, animals, and magical energies present in their environment. As a result, gnomes have become renowned for their affinity for the natural world, displaying an innate understanding of the ebb and flow of the land.   Gnomes possess an insatiable curiosity and inquisitive nature. They have a deep desire to understand the workings of the world around them, whether it be unraveling the secrets of the forest, studying arcane arts, or tinkering with intricate mechanisms. Gnomes are renowned inventors, engineers, and scholars, using their keen intellect and resourcefulness to create innovative solutions to problems.   While gnomes are known for their inquisitiveness and creativity, they also possess a mischievous side. They love practical jokes, playful pranks, and are often found engaging in light-hearted mischief. This sense of humor is an integral part of their culture, and gnomes value laughter and joy as important aspects of life.   Gnomes have a deep appreciation for craftsmanship and beauty. They create intricate works of art, jewelry, and finely crafted objects, often inspired by the natural world and magical energies they are attuned to. Gnomes are skilled artisans, and their creations are highly sought after for their exquisite detail and magical enchantments.   Despite their diminutive stature, gnomes are resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity. They possess an inherent knack for surviving and adapting to their surroundings, making use of their deep connection to nature and their clever problem-solving abilities.   In society, gnomes form close-knit communities that thrive in harmony with their chosen environment. They have a strong sense of communal spirit, often working together to protect and preserve their homes. Gnome society values knowledge, creativity, and the preservation of natural beauty.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Parvum Dryadalis
Elves that adapted to a specific environment

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