Kashtira Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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The Kashtira, a unique and powerful branch of the Aasimar race, were created by the goddess Hestia following the Banishment of the dragons. Exclusively female, they possess distinct qualities that set them apart from their Aasimar counterparts.   One of the distinguishing features of the Kashtira is their extended lifespan. Unlike normal Aasimar, who may live longer than average mortals, the Kashtira have a considerably lengthened existence. Their connection to the cosmos grants them an enhanced vitality that allows them to thrive for extended periods of time.   Drawing their power from the vast cosmic energies that permeate the universe, the Kashtira possess a level of strength and prowess beyond that of normal Aasimar. Their ability to tap into the cosmic forces grants them unparalleled power and versatility. With this cosmic empowerment, they can channel celestial energy in ways that surpass the abilities of their counterparts, enabling them to manifest greater feats of divine magic and celestial might.   Unlike traditional Aasimar, whose associations lean towards the side of light and goodness, the Kashtira are not bound exclusively to the forces of light. They possess the capacity for both light and darkness within their nature. This duality allows them to explore the depths of their celestial powers and tap into the full range of cosmic forces. While many Kashtira choose the path of light and righteousness, there are those who embrace the darker aspects and align themselves with the corruptive forces akin to the Evolzar. Even within Kashtira society, these dark and corrupted individuals coexist alongside their more virtuous counterparts.   Within Kashtira society, there exists a balance between the light and the dark, allowing for a diverse range of beliefs and ideologies. This dynamic interplay between the forces of light and darkness creates a unique tapestry of experiences and perspectives within the Kashtira community.   The Kashtira, with their prolonged lifespan, connection to cosmic energies, and their capacity to harness both light and darkness, represent a powerful and enigmatic facet of the Aasimar race. They are formidable beings, capable of great deeds of benevolence or descending into the depths of corruption, symbolizing the eternal struggle between light and darkness that exists within the celestial realms.
Encompassed species

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