Aasimar Species in Oros | World Anvil
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The Aasimar, a celestial race born from the divine heritage bestowed upon them, are beings of great purity and divine grace. Created by Holactie.   The Aasimar are distinguished by their radiant appearances, possessing an otherworldly beauty that emanates a soft glow. Their physical features are often an amalgamation of celestial and mortal traits, with golden or silver hair, luminous eyes that shimmer like stars, and flawless, radiant skin that seems to glow from within.   Endowed with celestial heritage, Aasimar exhibit an innate sense of righteousness and an unwavering commitment to goodness. They embody the virtues associated with their divine ancestry, such as compassion, mercy, and valor. Their actions are driven by a desire to protect and guide the mortal realms, acting as champions of light and defenders against the forces of darkness.   The Aasimar possess a natural affinity for celestial magic, which manifests in their ability to channel divine energy. They are capable of wielding radiant spells and blessings, healing wounds, and banishing evil. This divine magic is a testament to their celestial lineage and serves as a powerful tool in their battle against malevolent forces.   Due to their celestial heritage, Aasimar often find themselves caught in the eternal struggle between good and evil. They are burdened with a sense of responsibility and a divine calling to champion the cause of righteousness. This burden can sometimes weigh heavily on them, as they are torn between the mortal world and the celestial realms they are connected to.   Despite the challenges they face, the Aasimar remain steadfast in their commitment to their divine purpose. They are often seen as beacons of hope and inspiration, offering guidance and protection to those in need. Their mere presence can bring comfort and reassurance, as they radiate an aura of serenity and divine grace.   In the world shaped by the Cataclysm and the subsequent Era of Gods and Mortal Era, the Aasimar continue to play a significant role. Their celestial lineage and inherent connection to the divine allow them to bridge the gap between mortals and gods. They serve as intermediaries, acting as messengers and conduits for divine wisdom and intervention.   The Aasimar, with their celestial heritage, radiant beauty, and unwavering dedication to righteousness, embody the embodiment of celestial grace in a mortal form. They stand as a testament to the enduring power of light and hope, offering a glimpse into the divine realms and inspiring all who encounter them.
Scientific Name
Homo Sanctus
Aasimars were created by Holactie

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