Luminalism Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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The main Religion of Hispania that worships the Creator of Light Holactie

Tenets of Faith

Holactie, the Creator of Light, is the supreme deity in Luminalism. She is believed to be the embodiment of ultimate power, representing the divine force that brings illumination, enlightenment, and transcendence. Followers of Luminalism believe that by invoking the power of Holactie, they can attain spiritual awakening and ascend to a higher state of being. The summoning of Holactie is considered a sacred ritual, requiring utmost devotion, purity of heart, and profound understanding of the divine nature of the three Egyptian God Cards. Luminalists view the fusion of Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and The Winged Dragon of Ra as a symbolic union of power, knowledge, and spirituality. It is believed that through the worship and study of Holactie, followers can tap into its limitless power to manifest their desires and bring about positive change in their lives.


The followers of Luminalism gather in sacred temples called Sanctums of Illumination, adorned with intricate murals depicting the glory of Holactie. Daily prayers and meditations are conducted, focusing on the divine attributes of Holactie, such as light, wisdom, and enlightenment. Ritualistic card duels are held as a form of spiritual practice, where participants use decks that include the Egyptian God Cards to emulate the summoning process of Holactie. The most devout practitioners undergo rigorous training to master the skills of card manipulation and strategic gameplay, aiming to achieve the elusive summoning of Holactie. Sacred texts and scriptures, containing legends, teachings, and interpretations of Holactie's significance, are studied and revered.


Hierarchy and Clergy: Luminalism is led by a hierarchical structure of priests and priestesses known as Luminarians. Luminarians are chosen based on their spiritual prowess, knowledge, and mastery of the card game associated with Holactie. The highest-ranking Luminarian, known as the Luminary Hierarch, is considered the spiritual conduit between the mortal realm and the divine essence of Holactie. Luminarians guide and mentor followers, perform sacred rituals, interpret the scriptures, and ensure the purity and sanctity of Luminalist practices.

Granted Divine Powers

Symbols and Artifacts: The symbol of Luminalism is a radiant sun encompassing the silhouettes of the three Egyptian God Cards, representing the unity and divine radiance of Holactie. Holactie's staff, a legendary artifact believed to have been touched by the divine energy of Holactie, is revered as a sacred relic and used in important ceremonies and blessings.
Religious, Organised Religion
Ruling Organization
Permeated Organizations

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