Holactie - The Creator of Light Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Holactie - The Creator of Light (Ho-La-T-c-a)

Goddess of Light

"The Light can Heal or the Light can Burn!" - Amen-Ra, High Priest
  Holactie, also known as the "Lightweaver," "Holy Grandmother." the "Lady of Light," the Great Restorer," the "Divine Grand Mother," and as "Argia" and "Nagusia" in Sylvan and Elven, is the Primordial God of light, peace, justice, purity, valor and truth.

Holactie is the most worshipped of the primordial gods among mortals, for she is the very image of peace and all civilized peoples crave it. Holactie is light itself and she can bend it however she pleases. Holactie's domain isn't just light itself but all things the light touches, for without light there is nothing. This renders Holactie as a being of immense power that has a hand in almost all things. However light cannot be without it's counterpart darkness, darkness always enshrouds itself around the light, and as the light itself Holactie cannot allow the wicked dark to snuff out her light.

Holactie is the second being of Nothing. The first conflict began with the birth of Holactie who blinded Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, Grapha being darkness and Holactie the light, meant that they were mortal enemies and the eternal war between light and darkness would begin in the empty cosmos. Holactie detests the darkness and how wretched it is and will do anything in her divine power to expand her domain, whether it harms others or not, it matters little to Holactie. She is an unshakable mountain that will fight the darkness no matter what, even if all the odds are against her. Holactie is seen as stern and unrational by her most loyal of followers, for she is above their concerns and worries, the only thing on her mind is the eradiction of the dark.


Holactie only reveals herself to the highest of rank among her followers. For she has more important duties than to be visible to lessers. Holactie however has many proxies that act in her will and assume a look that most closly resembles her. To the few that have seen her, they describe her as a extremely tall and lean woman with golden arms and torso. She has large wings that span the length of an entire city, atop her head is a large and radiant crown. Her skin isn't pale but also isn't tainted with a speck of dust, she is completly devoid of anything that could be called unpleasing. It is unknown if she has legs for they are also hidden behind her clothing. But like the other Primordial Gods it has no gender.

It is difficult to see Holactie for she is blinding to look at and her appearance may all be imagination, even the mightiest of her followers must advert their eyes from her for they may become forever blind. She seems to favor an attire that is grand and looks the most regal, fancying herself a monarch.

  Holactie's domain is Celestia the land of the gods. A place that very few ever get to enter. Celestia is a place where the sun never sets and all pain and suffering are but a mere illusion. It is here that Holactie and her most mightiest of followers reside. Celestia very well may be a myth as no one person can describe it the same, for it is a place where light is ever bending. This leads to it changing rapidly in what is perceived there, but nonetheless mortals aspire to enter the legendary Celestia.

Divine Domains

Holactie's divine domain is light. Everything that emits light is the power of Holactie and is Holactie. For she is the light itself. But not only is light her domain but all things the light touches. She is fueled by all things basked in her light. With the eradication of darkness, light follows and thus destroying any bastions of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness empowers Holactie the greatest.

Not only is everything that is bathed in her light that is tangible her domain but also the non-tangible. Such as the purity of a being, or the light in ones heart. If the sight of something is awe-inspiring and blinding then it is often an extension of Her divine domain.

As the most worshipped Primordial God, Holactie is known differently all around the world, in some places as a goddess of truth, justice, valor and many more. Most civilized nations worship Holactie in some way shape or form.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holactie's symbol is a cross with a oval as it's top. This cross is known as an Ankh and it represents Holactie. The Ankh is often decorated and changed slightly. But they usually retain their orginally cross shape.

Noble animals are associated with Holactie, but typically her creations like the Dragon are used to represent her.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Holactie have few real tenets of their divine faith, other than to destroy the darkness throughout the world and stray from it's path. 

  • Seek out the darkness and destroy it, whatever the cost.
  • Bestow salvation upon those that have fallen to the dark
  • Strengthen not only ones heart but all others, as the strongests of wills are needed in this endless conflict
  • Praise the light at each turn, for it is the greatest of gifts


The Eternal day is during Holactie's month and it is a day with no night. The effects of the month are at the greatest extent upon these days.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Banish the darkness and illuminate all throughout.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Holactie, the second god to emerge in the world of Oros, came into existence as a radiant and brilliant being of light. Her birth shattered the pervasive darkness, establishing her as the embodiment of illumination and the opposing force to Grapha's dominion. For eons, Holactie and Grapha - God of Death and Darkness engaged in a relentless battle over control of light and darkness, their cosmic feud shaping the destiny of the world.

During the first conflict, Holactie's luminosity stood in stark contrast to Grapha's all-encompassing darkness. The intensity of their struggle would birth the third Primordial God, Cálecelos - God of Change, who took great pleasure in witnessing their relentless clash. As the eons passed, Holactie's power remained focused on upholding the presence of light in the cosmos, while Cálecelos reveled in the chaos born from her dispute with Grapha.

During her prolonged feud, Holactie would pay no heed to anything that didn't involve expanding her domain and or destoying darkness. But it wouldn't be until Solomon - God of Life came to plead for light to her would she realize that it wasn't just her and Grapha anymore. Solomon's plea to bring light to his creation was only good for Holactie, as it expanded her domain and undermined Grapha's. And thus she agreed to grant Solomon's plea for light. However, finding it burdensome to undertake the task herself, Holactie instead created her daughter, Hestia - The Bringer of Light, and bestowed upon her the power to bring light to the world.

Throughout the ages, Holactie's presence and influence shaped the world of Oros. She observed the evolution of intelligent life, including the emergence of the Lizardfolk and the Primordial Elf, and witnessed the interaction between these races. Holactie played a pivotal role in creating other beings, such as the Fey, the Aasimar, Dragons, and Elementals, each embodying different aspects of her power and contributing to the diversity of Oros.

During The Celestial War , Holactie played a major role as the leader of the light forces. Along with Hestia, she ordered the Archons to squash out the dark and allowed them to divise the plans and command the forces. Although this proved to be a major morale booster for the light forces, Holactie's indifference to victories, defeats, famine, setbacks, betrayals and anything else war related caused the light forces to unfold and break many times, this would be even more prevalent after the death of Archlord Kristya who was the supreme commander of all of the light forces.

The Cataclysm was the time of Grapha and it was during this time that the indifferent Holactie seemed more agitated then ever before. Holactie would spend a vast amount of time to undo the eternal darkness. With the sun blocked out for 1000 years, it saw the greatest loss in worshippers for Holactie and soon the light started to become a myth. Holactie after many moons would order Hestia - The Bringer of Light to destroy the enity known as Bellerophon and restore the light. With no light both Holactie and Hestia were weaken and Bellerophon's defeat was a must to restore the light. Thus Holactie would bestow Hestia with her divine and mighty power and with it Hestia would create The Three Goddesses. They were champions of light and would defeat Bellerophon. With his defeat, a new era was set in motion. An era of gods and one where the light shone the brightiest.

In the Mortal Era, Holactie has not made any major movements and seems to be residing within Celestia quietly, perhaps waiting for Grapha- God of Death & Darkness to make his move first.

Personality Characteristics


Holactie's goal is simple, she wishes to eradicate darkness from all of existence. This can only be achieved with the death of the all powerful Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, with the source of his power always in abundancy, the battle between light and darkness may never have a winner. But even if Holactie were to be the loser in this endless battle, she will be unfazed and continue her pursuit for everlasting light.


Contacts & Relations

Holactie is one-minded in the destruction of darkness and doesn't have time for relations among the other Primordial Gods.

Solomon - God of Life is the only one of the primordial gods that Holactie has any positive opinion of. For he creates more and more life which are all then touched by Holactie's light thus empowering her and becoming apart of her boundless domain. The creations of Solomon have even found ways to make light, although far less in scale compared to the mighty creator of light, it is still a beautiful sight for Holactie. Another important thing is the hearts of these creations. As light within a one's heart empowers Holactie as well. Although Holactie is emotionless, she is approving of Solomon's actions and his creations.

In the eyes of Holactie, Cálecelos - God of Change is an insignificant scheming speck that poses as a mere stepping stone in Holactie's quest. He never sides with her and always does side with her, his actions are unexplainable and arbitrary. But his past actions will never make Holactie think favorable of him. For creating the orcs and spreading darkness is but one of his many offenses to her. Holacite doesn't want to even converse with him as it is meaningless to both her and him.

Ever since Holactie came into existence from Nothing, her and Grapha- God of Death & Darkness have been at odds for good reason. They are polar opposites, mortal enemies, oil and water, they are light and darkness. Everything Holactie likes, Grapha hates and everything Grapha likes, she hates. Her goal is in complete contrast to Grapha's. Where he wishes to spread darkness and berid of the light, she wishes to engulf all in her light and clense the darkness. It is believed that Holactie and Grapha have never once spoken to each other, for that in itself would be a violation of their very being and existence. Since Holactie's spawn she has battled the dark and forever more she will.

Holactie is the mother and creator of Hestia - The Bringer of Light.
Holactie is the creator of Archlord Kristya, Tiamat- Goddess of Vengeance, Ib- Fairy Goddess, Celestials, Aasimar, Fairy race, Fey, Dragons and Elementals.


Holactie - The Creator of Light

Sister (Vital)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Vital)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light




They are Mortal enemies since Holactie's birth

Cálecelos - God of Change

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light



Holactie - The Creator of Light

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change




They have not interacted much. Holactie just is annoyed by his presence and especially his laugh, while he only cares for change and sees relationships as folly things that require change.

Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light



Holactie - The Creator of Light

Mother (Vital)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light



Solomon - God of Life


Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light


Holactie - The Creator of Light


Towards Solomon - God of Life


Symbol of Holactie
Divine Classification
Primordial God
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Holy Grandmother
Divine Grand Mother
The Great Restorer
Lady of Light
Goddess of Light
Light Goddess
Light Lady
The Eternal Lady
The Prime Monarch
Ir Mitne(Draconic)
Great Purifer
Great Savior
Creator God of Light
Winged God
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Born from Nothing
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

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