Nothing Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Your light goddess is naught but folly, for before her was my lord Grapha and before him was nothing, my lord is the true god for he is the original. Therefore all that came alongside him is the intented state of the world. Darkness came before light, light is the first sin and I will eradicate you alongside it. - Cultist of Grapha, speaking to a servant of Holactie

Nothing, also referred as the "Primordial Chaos", "the Void", the "Big Bang" and the "Genesis" is the birthplace of the Primordial Gods and thus the wellspring of all existence.

The four primordial gods were all birthed from nothing and they harness it's cosmic power, but not only were the deities born but as well as the planets. The world of Oros was originally a massive floating rock until Solomon - God of Life would cultivate it.
Divine Classification
Genesis of Existence

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