Solomon - God of Life Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Solomon - God of Life

The Creator

"In the grand mosaic of existence, Solomon weaves the threads of life itself. From the radiant sun to the boundless sky, the sturdy trees to the rhythmic waves, and the very earth beneath our feet, all that comprises life is the divine manifestation of the Great Creator's will." -Ludoville Vernnes, High Priest of Outremer
Solomon, also known as the "Creator God," Seeker of Dawn," the Shaper of Wills," the Lord of Renewal," the "Life-Bringer," and as "Arqua" and "Canathel" in Elven and Celestial, is the Primordial God of life, growth, hope, creation, vitality and longevity.

Solomon's divine domain extends beyond the mere longevity of life. As the Primordial God of life, his essence is interwoven with the very fabric of existence. Every aspect that defines a life, from the subtle nuances of emotions to the profound depth of memories, contributes to Solomon's empowerment. The intricate tapestry of culture, the artistry of speech, the uniqueness of personality, the development of skills, the pursuit of interests, and the unwavering flame of faith—all these facets are threads in the grand design of life, each resonating with the divine essence of Solomon.

As the Lord of Renewal, he revels in the perpetual cycle of life's growth and evolution. The more a being experiences and embraces the richness of existence, the more power it channels back to him. Whether it's the vibrant burst of a blossoming flower, the resilience of a community overcoming challenges, or the wisdom cultivated through the passage of time, every expression of life empowers the Creator God.

  Solomon's connection to life is not a distant observation; it is an intimate participation in the unfolding drama of existence. The Creator delights in the diversity of life forms, each contributing to the harmonious symphony of creation. Thus, the empowerment gained by Solomon is not a mere transaction; it is a reciprocal dance, where the essence of life fuels the divine energy that, in turn, nourishes and sustains the vast expanse of Oros.

War, though an intrinsic part of the complex tapestry of life, stands as a solemn discord within Solomon's divine realm. The Creator God detests the devastation wrought by conflicts, recognizing that each battle is a symphony of lives abruptly silenced. War represents a significant loss in the grand cycle of life, and as such, it weakens Solomon. The echoes of pain and suffering caused by the strife of nations resonate in the divine essence, creating a dissonance that reverberates through the threads of existence.

In a similar vein, Solomon harbors disdain for afflictions that curtail the span of life. Diseases, like insidious shadows, are at odds with the essence of renewal and vitality that Solomon embodies. The ancient inhabitants of the world, under the benevolent gaze of Solomon, enjoyed long and flourishing lives, untouched by the scourge of illnesses. In the pristine era of the past, the divine will of Solomon manifested in the flourishing health of the world's denizens, where the natural course of life was allowed to unfold without the impediment of premature decay or suffering.

  Solomon is the final being of Nothing. Solomon wishes to see the inhabitants of the world prosper and live out their lives as great and long as they can, for Solomon wants nothing more than to see his creation excel. Everything Solomon has in mind is always with the world in mind, for without it, Solomon is naught but a domainless god, for before Oros there was no life and only through Solomon did life become true and only through life did Solomon become a god in all of the sense.

The Days Before Eladar

In the cosmic expanse, Solomon stood as a solitary figure, resolute in his pursuit to defy the void that gripped the galaxy. His siblings, gods with misguided purposes, scorned his seemingly impossible endeavor to breathe life into the cold, empty void of space. Undeterred by their belittling voices, Solomon gazed upon a colossal rock he named Oros, the genesis of his aspirations.

  Eons unfolded, an endless tapestry of effort and persistence woven by the hands of a god with an unwavering vision. The first fruits of his labor emerged — the rudiments of life: plants, water, mountains, and winds danced in symphony across Oros. Yet, Solomon hungered for more, an insatiable desire that propelled him to sculpt the next layer of existence — creatures, animals, beasts, and the diverse tapestry of life.

  Oros thrived, but it languished in the shadows, gripped by total darkness under Grapha- God of Death & Darkness's domain. Unyielding, Solomon appealed to Holactie - The Creator of Light, beseeching her to bestow light upon his creation. Eons of fervent supplication transpired, and Holactie, relenting, birthed Hestia - The Bringer of Light to illuminate Oros with the radiant Sun. Grapha, in a tempest of fury, sought to shroud the Sun in darkness by throwing a colossal rock at it, but Solomon's ingenuity prevailed for he created gravity, the rock instead joined the orbit of Oros and thus orchestrating the celestial ballet of night and day, and the celestial drama of solar eclipses.

  For an inmeasureable amount of time Oros grew and prospered with early life on it. But the inhabitants of Oros were but mere beasts until these very same creatures centuries later would evolve. The annals of Oros unfolded, witnessing the rise of intelligent life — the Lizardfolk, a testament to the uncharted potential of Solomon's creation. The creatures of Oros evolved into the sapient lizardfolk species, they would begin to prosper as the worlds only intelligent life and they would begin creating a society called Hytikix. As Hytikix burgeoned into a thriving civilization, Solomon, inspired by the lizardfolk's progress, molded his magnum opus — the Primordial Elf. Bestowing upon them his wisdom, power, and intelligence, Solomon's elves emerged as paragons of perfection.

  Amid the ebb and flow of civilizations, Solomon's elves and the lizardfolk of Hytikix found an unexpected camaraderie, setting the stage for Aneria, the first elven civilization. In this collaboration, Solomon witnessed the harmonious coexistence of two races, his divine influence interwoven with the threads of their history. The cosmic ballet continued, and Solomon, the orchestrator, observed the symphony of life that flourished on Oros, his celestial creation.

In the time that Aneria and Hytikix prospered peacefully, Solomon would visit his creations and bestow them with gifts, it was during this time that Solomon was widely worsipped. Solomon loved to be as close as possible to his creations and watch them live out their lives just as Solomon wished.


The Troubles

After the birth of war, Solomon was left pondering on what to do. After a great deal of thought, he would allow the inhabitants of the world to take care of the Orcs. Solomon cannot interfere in everything or else they will have no life. For several millennia, the Primordial Elf and later the Lizardfolk would battle and defeat the orcs. With peace over the horizon, Solomon felt reliveved. But Solomon didn't expect things to turn out the way they did. With the dark elves, Solomon once again took a stance of allowing the elves to deal with it, but Solomon still offered his support by creating the Dwarf race to aid the elves. But it was a futile effort and soon Aneria would fall and a new war between the dark elves and Hytikix would shortly follow. Finally with the defeat of the dark elves, the once eternal peace was close. But once again Solomon couldn't have expected for what would follow. The Celestial War between light and dark.

Solomon would side with the light forces during this conflict for he most aligned with Holactie - The Creator of Light. It was during this time that Solomon would create the Humans and Giants to aid in the war. But they became tainted by Cálecelos - God of Change and they would be easily corrupted. They became a fighting force for all sides of the war. Solomon would only spectate the war, doubtful of those peacefull days returning. Until Cálecelos would birth magic, thus changing the entire world forever. Solomon immeditately descented onto Oros to destroy whatever had just changed the world. But Solomon was unable to remove this new addition of the world.

  Solomon would stay on the world and later assume command of the light forces, who had been without a leader for far too long. With Solomon assuming control, the light forces quickly racked up victory after victory against the enemy. Finally because of Solomon's rule, they would defeat Bellerophon.

Death and Rebirth

"In the shadows of despair, we endure the brutal embrace of a world untethered from the divine symphony of life. The death of the Creator, once the beacon of all creation, birthed an era where darkness reigns supreme. Each passing day is a relentless dance with catastrophe, an unyielding reminder that the cataclysmic tremors echo the absence of the once mighty god. As the skies weep perpetual sorrow and the earth convulses in pain, we, the remnants of a shattered existence, navigate this brutal epoch, haunted by the silence left in the wake of Solomon's demise. In this relentless night, survival itself becomes a testament to the resilience of the forsaken." - Althidon Liagella, Elven Warrior
  In a major battle lost to time between Asophiel- Lord of Hell's forces and Solomon's forces they battled each other in a brutal battle that lasted years. Early on in Solomon's descension he defeated Bellerophon with ease. But unlike with Bellerophon, Solomon couldn't do the same with Asophiel. The reason for this is that Solomon had to expend an immense amount of power to remain on the mortal plane and he had been doing so for soo long that it had weaken him. Solomon would get into a duel against Asophiel and had to retreat to recuperate. As Solomon retreated from his duel with Asophiel to recuperate his trusted servant came to help him. The Trusted ally would stab Solomon in the back with a powerful dagger.

  As the trusted ally of Solomon revealed himself to be Cálecelos - God of Change in disguise, a sense of betrayal filled Solomon's heart. He understood that Cálecelos had orchestrated his demise, taking advantage of his weakened state to strike a fatal blow. In his final moments, as the blade pierced his body, Solomon called out the name of his betrayer in a rage-filled cry.

  The repercussions of Solomon's death were catastrophic. A massive explosion erupted from his dying body, sending shockwaves throughout the world. The sky turned dark, as if mourning the loss of the powerful primordial god. The once vibrant plant life withered, unable to sustain itself in the absence of Solomon's life-giving presence. The land itself quaked, trembling under the weight of the cataclysmic event that had been unleashed.

  Volcanoes erupted, spewing forth molten lava and covering the landscape in a fiery cascade. The world was plunged into chaos as the @catabegan, marking a turning point in the history of the realm. The Celestial War, which had raged for so long, came to a tumultuous end with the death of Solomon and the subsequent destruction unleashed upon the world.

With the end of Solomon came the time of great detruction upon the world. Bellerophon would rule over all during this time and extend the length of this tough time. Millions of races and species died during this time, life on the world was fleeting, light from the sun a myth, and a time of eternal peace was a mere illusion. Solomon as the creator of the world supplied the world with his essence and he sustained it. It is because of this that the Primordial Elf, Lizardfolk and other races were immortal during his life. They could still be killed but could live as long as they desired. The very air of the world and nature of it was unique in composition. Some that lived during this time say that the air was far thicker. But with Solomon's demise the world lost it's sustainer and all lost their immortality granted by him. This is why the Primordial elves died out and many other races. To most Solomon's death was a devasting event for the world and all it's inhabitants. But in actuality, Solomon's death was a fortune event for all of Oros. As the sustainer of the world, All of the life on Oros was reliant on Solomon, from the trees to the fish all the way to the elves. This reliance on Solomon was a detriment to life. And with Solomon's urge to intervene, the lives that Solomon wished to see prosper on their own and for as long as possible was not a reality as long as Solomon lived. And so with his death the world erupted into chaos and as the world healed, it had to learn how to move on without Solomon sustaining it. And the world did learn how to move on and exist without Solomon. After the end of the cataclysm, new life was born in great numbers, the world saw the greatest amount of new life even greater than during the creation of Oros. Life untainted by the will of one and evolved into whatever seemed most fit. The life of all became vastly different from one another and the world was forever changed. With Solomon's death the world was reborn anew.

Although Solomon has long sinced perished, his essence still remains in the world, and it is believed by many followers that Solomon hasn't perished and that he only transitioned into being the world of Oros itself. They believe that Solomon had become Oros and that he has achieved a greater standing and goal.


Solomon is usually depicted as an old humanoid whose beard is large and white that with each strand of hair that radiates a green hue of life. His bare feet, leaving in their wake a bed of flowers, his hair crackling with lighting bolts, his every word soothing the soul of those that listen. He could be your local wise man, a wandering sage, a wizard of a tower, a seasoned veteran or a beloved king. Solomon is seen differently by all races that happened to gaze upon him, but he is always potrayed as old and wise to them.

Solomon is also often depicted as nature itself, a large tree, the vast ocean or the boundless sky. His depictions are innumerous just like the amount of lives on the world. His face often locked into a constant state of thought, his hands never sitting idle, all of his body in constant use at the utmost of efficiency. His words profound but yet full of knowledge, his humble statue makes him seem welcoming and harmless.

Solomon the final of the Primordial Gods is the youngest but most infuential for his fabrication of life, and the endless amount of lives born from since then. Solomon is often referred to as a "he," with the masculine gender, though in fact, like all the entities know as Primordial Gods, it in fact has no true gender.

Divine Domains

The divine domain of Solomon is life. Every living creature empowers Solomon but those that live the longest, grant Solomon the greatest of power. The shorter the life the less power Solomon obtains. As long as life flows, then Solomon is empowered.

Solomon is called many different names around the world, but he is always regarded as the creator of the world.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Solomon's symbol is that of a tree with many branches and roots, it is meant to represent a tree of life with it's everreaching roots stretching to all corners of the world.

No one animal serves as a symbol for Solomon for all creatures represent him, and thus nature itself is what would be considered as the symbol of Solomon.

Tenets of Faith

Although Solomon is the creator of the world he has very few followers in the sense. Solomon is life and every creature of Oros that pursues living is indirectly serving Solomon, thus not many follow him. But the devout followers of Solomon are the few but some of the most zealous of faiths. Each faith of Solomon is vastly different from each other.

  • Live out life to the fullest
  • Eliminate things that would devoid another of life

Divine Goals & Aspirations

For the world of Oros to prosper and be brimming with life forever

Personality Characteristics


Solomon wishes for nothing more than for the his creations to live out their lives to the greatest of ability and as long as possible. For only through life can Solomon be the god of life.


Contacts & Relations

Solomon is focused heavliy on his own creations and doesn't involve himself with his fellow Primordial Gods when unnecessary.

Solomon and Holactie - The Creator of Light's relation can be summarized with a single word, mutual. Compared to Grapha- God of Death & Darkness and Cálecelos - God of Change they are the most like-minded. The prosperity of life benefits both Solomon and Holactie and to be at odds with one another would be a waste of time and would empower the other two.

Solomon has never spoken with Grapha, for Holactie is the opposite of his darkness and Solomon is the opposite of his death. They hold a strange relation for death is the nature cycle of life, but Solomon revels in the longevity of a life and Grapha adores the end of one. They hold no common thoughts and would make terrible allies for everything that Solomon wishes for, Grapha is either the cause or a factor in life ending.

Solomon and Cálecelos - God of Change have always been at odds with each other. As the two youngest they often confronted each other as their older siblings battled in a grander battle. Every major event that has broken the status quo was caused by the lord of change. For several millennia Oros was peaceful until Cálecelos, with the birth of magic a greater amount of death followed all because of Cálecelos, and finally Cálecelos would kill Solomon himself thus enveloping the world in a great catastrophic era.

Solomon is the creator of Lizardfolk, Primordial Elf race, Dwarf  race, Humans and Giants.


Solomon - God of Life


Towards Cálecelos - God of Change


Cálecelos - God of Change


Towards Solomon - God of Life


Solomon - God of Life


Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light


Holactie - The Creator of Light


Towards Solomon - God of Life


Solomon - God of Life

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Solomon - God of Life




They cannot mix

Solomon - God of Life


Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Hestia - The Bringer of Light


Towards Solomon - God of Life


Symbol of Solomon
Divine Classification
Primordial God
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gud Liv(Giant Tongue)
Creator God
The Great Creator
Lord of Life
Creator of Life
Bringer of New Life
Seeker of Dawn
Vistor God
Shaper of Wills
Omnipresent Lord
Lord of Renewal
Sage of All Beginnings
The Sustainer
Lord Creator
Currently Held Titles
200 Billion
Circumstances of Birth
Birthed from Nothing
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
On the battlefield

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