Red Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Red Dragon

Red Dragons are fearsome and formidable creatures, embodying the very essence of fire and destruction. These massive dragons are known for their scorching breath and fiery temperament, making them one of the most feared and respected dragon species. Red Dragons possess immense physical strength, with muscular bodies covered in thick, scaled hides that range in shades of deep crimson to fiery red. They are massive in size, dwarfing most other creatures with their intimidating presence. Their razor-sharp claws and powerful jaws can rend through armor and flesh with ease, making them deadly adversaries in combat.   What sets Red Dragons apart is their mastery over fire. They have the ability to unleash devastating torrents of flame, scorching everything in their path. With a deep inhalation, they can exhale searing, superheated breath that engulfs enemies in a blazing inferno. Their control over fire extends beyond their breath, as they can manipulate and shape flames to suit their needs, creating walls of fire, launching fireballs, and even summoning fiery storms.   Red Dragons possess a voracious appetite for wealth and power. They are notorious hoarders of treasure, amassing vast hordes of gold, jewels, and valuable artifacts. Their lairs are often filled with the spoils of their conquests and the trophies of their defeated foes. They view their treasure as a symbol of their dominance and as a means to assert their superiority over others.   These dragons are fiercely territorial and highly aggressive. They value their independence and rarely form alliances or cooperations with other creatures, including their own kind. They revel in conflict and seek out challenges and opponents worthy of their might. Red Dragons are known to test their strength and dominance through combat, engaging in fierce battles with other dragons and powerful adversaries.   The scales of a Red Dragon are not only protective but also resistant to heat and fire, providing them with a natural armor against their own elemental breath and other sources of flame. This resilience makes them even more fearsome opponents, as their enemies find it difficult to harm them with fire-based attacks.   Red Dragons exude an aura of power and authority, demanding respect and obedience from lesser creatures. They are proud and arrogant, often considering themselves superior to all others. Despite their aggressive nature, they possess a keen intellect and cunning, allowing them to strategize and manipulate situations to their advantage.   Encountering a Red Dragon is a perilous affair, as they are known to be ruthless and merciless. They are driven by their insatiable desire for power and dominance, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Legends and tales depict them as embodiments of destruction, leaving burning landscapes and scorched earth in their path.
Encompassed species

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