Saurus Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Saurus are brutish yet disciplined creatures. Even unarmed, they are extremely dangerous — their sharp claws can gouge grooves into rock or tear out a foe’s throat with ease. Their muscular tails can smash a man’s ribcage and their mouths are full of enormous dagger-shaped teeth. The power of their crocodilian jaws is such that a vicious Saurus bite can sever a limb or crush steel. If not killed outright, those bitten by a Saurus bear infected wounds, often succumbing to a foul fever and dying within a matter of days.

As a whole, the Saurus are a ferocious but slow-witted species of reptiles, evolved from some kind of prehistoric crocodile or alligator found within the swamps of Primoria. The creatures that evolved were more intelligent than their crocodilian ancestors and could walk upright on two powerful hind legs leaving their arms free to wield brutal weapons, but they lost the speed that crocodiles have on all four legs and the ability to swiftly move through water.
Encompassed species

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