Lizardfolk Species in Oros | World Anvil
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Only a fool looks at the lizardfolk and sees nothing more than scaly humanoids. Their physical shape notwithstanding, lizardfolk have more in common with iguanas or dragons than they do with humans, dwarves, or elves. Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures. Their dismal swamp homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far greater.

Lizardfolk are a reptilian race that inhabited the lush lands of old. Although they are considered humanoids, their minds are much more alien and unique compared to humans and other humanoids and are more akin with reptiles or dragons. Though they have a different understanding on most things, they typically don't see eye to eye with other races. Lizardfolk have three different subspecies, Saurus, Skinks, and Crocs. Saurus Lizardfolk are the most well rounded Lizardfolk and are typically tribal leaders, warrior, and hunters of their clans. Skinks are a smaller and weaker yet more agile and intelligent subspecies, they are often shamans or priests for their clans and more often negotiators for outsiders due to their higher intelligence. Crocs are the brutish and less intelligent subspecies, they often play the roles as guards to chiefs or laborers for their clans.

Basic Information


Lizardfolk maintain a standard humanoid appearance with two arms and legs, a head, and a torso and a tail. The only physical trait that would set them apart would be scaly skin.
Lizardfolk have a generally humanoid skeletal structure. They have digitigrade legs and elongated skulls with sharp rows of teeth. All lizardfolk are covered in a scaly hide, and depending on the color determines the thickness of the scaly hide.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lizardfolk reproduce via sexual intercourse but find greater success by spawning. Females are the only ones capable of leading spawns. Females use up their fertility by using their bodily fluids and other sexual body parts to do the spawning. The females bathe in the water and tend to it daily.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Lizardfolk's core species such as the Saurus, Skinks and Crocs are not born from eggs, like their feral reptilian cousins, but are birthed from special pools and ponds located within sacred regions. This birthing of a new generation of Lizardmen are called Spawnings. Every Temple-City has its own sacred ponds and expanses of marsh where these spawning events occur. Skinks and Crocs tend to spawn in large ponds and swamps open to the sky, whereas Saurus and certain other crocs are usually spawned in dark subterranean caverns. Pyramid Temples are frequently built over the top of the entrances to such caverns and outlying swamps. Due to their amphibious and reptilian origins, some days after the spawning event begins, little tadpoles emerge out of the water, growing in numbers and size at an extremely accelerated rate, feeding on the enormous number of tropical insects that hover above such waters. When the Lizardfolk are fully developed they emerge unto dry land in enormous numbers all at the same time.   The interval between spawnings can be very long and usually a spawning will not recur in the same pond within the lifetime of the last generation that was born there. Thus each city is surrounded with multiple spawning pools which spawn at different times of the year. Each spawning is linked to astrological cycles and will always begin at certain conjunction of stars. Since each generation emerge from different ponds at different intervals in time, there are always several dozen Lizardfolk of the same age and origins living within tightly-knit groups within their home city. Being of the same spawning, different age-groups will also have varying degrees of features which are unique to that particular spawning, such as different skin tones, unique markings, a calm and calculated attitude towards administrative duties or a more fierce and warlike attitude towards war.   These large groups of Lizardfolk are given a single directive or purpose upon their birth, such as either being formed into cohorts of tribal warriors or become the artisan and workers for their respective Temple-Cities. Those spawning that only birth a single individual usually means that this particular Lizardmen is meant to be a leader amongst their kind. Due to the timing of spawnings.

Ecology and Habitats

As cold blooded creatures, they can only live in hot/warm climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardfolk are carnivores

Biological Cycle

If a Lizardfolk is born a female, they are expected to carry out their duties until they run out of fertility. And once the females do, they undergo a process called Chakax in which they spend many moons going through a metamorphous to become male.


Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mindset, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures. Their homes might lie hundreds of miles from the nearest non lizardfolk settlement, but the gap between their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far greater.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Lizardfolk are ruled by Tehenhauin which rules over all others as the supreme one. Below him are the sacred ones. Below them are the masters. Below them is all the others

Average Intelligence

Skinks are small and Intelligent, Saurus are not dumb or smart, Crocs are lacking in intelligence and speech

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lizardfolk are all very different in their abilities, but generally have greater eyesight, hearing, and sense then the races that came after them. They are able to communicate telepathic with reptiles, amphibians and dragons. Despite dying out before the age of magic, They are highly skilled with magic

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Cho'qomel, Conquatoc, Conqua-uax   Female
Shrirsiez, Rhirzis, Crixogne

Major Organizations


Beauty Ideals

Having a unique scale marking is highly attractive.

Gender Ideals

Females are of great importance in lizardfolk society as they are necessary for spawning to occur. Females are strictly spawners, while males serve all other roles.

Common Taboos

Betraying any ally and especially a fellow lizardfolk, neglecting duties, being non-lizard like(human-like), trying to seek own path, trying to commit sexual intercourse with other races.


It is unknown how they came to be even to Solomon, but they definitely evolved from the early reptiles and amphibians. They quickly distinguished themselves from their feral cousins. They would rule solely on the planet for generations until the elves came. They would fight in the first war against the orcs and the celestial war. They would fall however during the cataclysm due to the increase and decrease of the temperature and natural disasters.

Historical Figures


Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

View elves highly for their love of their nature. But see them as pitiful smooth-skin creatures.
Scientific Name
Squamigera fames
Evolved from Reptiles/Dinosaurs/Amphibians
Immortal before Cataclysm(Lizardfolk reach maturity around age 14 and rarely live longer than 60 years)
Average Height
Skinks: 3-4ft Saurus: 5-6ft Crocs: 6-8ft
Average Weight
Skink:100-130lbs Saurus:200-350lbs Crocs:400-600lbs
Average Physique
Skinks are small and able to be easily moved, Saurus are much more tougher and are hard to move, Crocs are massive and near impossible to move by standard means
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Green and blue are the most common coloring of the lizardfolk, but there are variations such as black, white, red, etc.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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