Scourge Aasimar Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Scourge Aasimar

The Scourge Aasimar, also known as the Sun-Touched Aasimar, are a distinct and radiant subset of the Aasimar race. Initially, the title of Sun-Touched Aasimar was granted to a leader of the Aasimar who was blessed with the power of Hestia, the embodiment of the sun and bringer of light. Over time, these exceptional leaders evolved into a fully-fledged race, known as the Scourge Aasimar.   The Scourge Aasimar derive their extraordinary powers from the Sun, which is symbolically represented by Hestia, the radiant deity. Their connection to the Sun grants them an intense and incandescent energy, infusing their very beings with divine light. They possess the ability to channel this celestial power, unleashing it in bursts of intense radiance when necessary.   Unlike ordinary Aasimar, the Scourge Aasimar are typically longer-lived, their lifespans surpassing that of normal mortals. This longevity is a testament to their divine nature and the enduring light that courses through their veins.   As champions of the Sun and bearers of Hestia's essence, the Scourge Aasimar embody both the benevolent aspects of light and its more destructive nature. They can harness the blazing radiance within them to unleash devastating attacks, purging evil and corruption from their vicinity. However, such potent radiance comes at a cost. The Scourge Aasimar must temper and control their powers, as the unleashed radiance can harm themselves and those nearby.   The Scourge Aasimar, also referred to as the Sun-Touched Aasimar, stand as a beacon of celestial power and illumination within the Aasimar race. Their deep connection to the Sun allows them to wield radiant energy, serving as both protectors and purifiers. With their extended lifespans and unwavering commitment to the light, they are revered as champions of justice and defenders against the encroaching darkness.
Encompassed species

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