Silver Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Silver Dragon

Silver Dragons are majestic and noble creatures, embodying grace, wisdom, and a strong sense of justice. They are revered for their beauty, intelligence, and their commitment to protecting the innocent and upholding righteousness. Silver Dragons possess sleek, serpentine bodies covered in shimmering scales that range in color from pale silver to radiant platinum. Their graceful form allows them to move with elegance and agility, both on land and in the air. They have long, powerful wings that enable them to soar through the skies with great speed and precision.   These dragons are known for their affinity for cold and ice. They have the ability to exhale a breath of freezing air, capable of encasing their enemies in ice or creating blizzards to hinder their foes. Their breath can freeze anything it touches, turning water into solid ice and covering the landscape in a glistening frost.   Silver Dragons possess keen intelligence and are often depicted as wise and knowledgeable beings. They have a deep understanding of the world and its complexities, and they often serve as mentors and guides to those who seek their wisdom. Their ancient age grants them a wealth of knowledge and experiences, making them valuable sources of advice and counsel.   Unlike some of their more aggressive dragon counterparts, Silver Dragons are generally benevolent and seek to protect and aid others. They are known to intervene in conflicts to defend the weak and uphold justice. They value honesty, fairness, and kindness, and are quick to punish those who harm or exploit the innocent.   Silver Dragons are often found in secluded and remote regions, such as icy mountains or secluded forests, where they establish their lairs. They are skilled hunters and have a preference for hunting large game, particularly creatures that pose a threat to their territory or the balance of nature.   In their interactions with other creatures, Silver Dragons are typically calm and diplomatic. They possess a gentle and compassionate nature, often seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts whenever possible. They are open to forming alliances and friendships with other races, particularly those who share their commitment to justice and righteousness.   When threatened or provoked, however, Silver Dragons can display fierce and formidable combat prowess. They are skilled in aerial combat and can unleash powerful physical attacks with their claws and tail. Their scales provide them with natural armor, offering protection against physical blows.   Encountering a Silver Dragon is considered a rare and awe-inspiring event. Their presence exudes a sense of tranquility and wisdom, and their actions often serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Stories and legends depict them as guardians of wisdom and virtue, embodying the ideals of honor and righteousness.
Encompassed species

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