Solomonid Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Tenets of Faith

The Pursuit of Purity: Solomites are deeply committed to purifying the world from evil and impurity. They believe that everything in existence is part of the natural flow of life, and those creatures that disrupt this flow with their vile nature are seen as impure. Orcs, demons, undead, and any other evil creatures are considered to be outside the realm of life and must be eradicated.   Solomites actively seek to protect the sanctity of life and maintain balance in the world. They engage in various rituals and practices to strengthen their connection with Solomon, the God of Life, and to draw upon his divine power to combat darkness and evil.   The Religion of Solomonid is a profound faith that values life in all its forms and aims to bring about purity and harmony in the world. Through their devotion and dedication, Solomites seek to create a world where the natural flow of life is honored, and evil is vanquished.


The Prayer of Solomonara: During the month of Solomonara, on the first day, all Solomites come together in an enclosed space to engage in a nonstop prayer that lasts the entire day. This sacred prayer is a deep expression of their devotion to Solomon, the God of Life, and their belief in the natural flow of life. The prayer involves offering up various aspects of life to honor and purify the world. Solomites believe that this prayer strengthens the connection between them and their god, allowing them to draw strength and guidance from the divine. At 12am of the first day all Solomites must be asleep, then they all must wake up at 4am and must prepare for the prayer for 2hrs, at 6am they will begin their prayer and will remain in prayer until 12am of the next day.   Holidays and Religious Practices:   Festival of Rebirth: This joyous celebration takes place on the 19th of the 3rd month, when nature awakens, and life begins to bloom. Solomites come together to rejoice in the cycle of life and to give thanks for the renewal of the world.   Day of Purification: On this solemn day, Solomites engage in rituals and prayers to purify their hearts and minds. They seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings and reaffirm their commitment to upholding the purity of life. On the 9th day of the month of Cálecelosa   Harvest Celebration: Taking place on the 22nd of the 9th month, this festival celebrates the bountiful harvest and the abundance of life that sustains the world. Solomites give thanks to Solomon for the blessings of nature and the cycles of life.   Day of Remembrance: On the last day of Babelis, Solomites honor and remember those who have passed away. They offer prayers for their souls and reflect on the interconnectedness of all life, both past and present.   Rite of Life Blessing: This sacred rite is performed for infants and children to invoke Solomon's blessing upon them. It symbolizes the continuity of life and the hope for a bright future. It is performed between the ages of 1-12 on Celestia   Temple of Life: The central place of worship for Solomites is the Temple of Life, a grand structure dedicated to Solomon. Here, they gather to pray, seek guidance, and offer sacrifices to honor their god.   Purification Rites: Solomites engage in regular purification rituals to cleanse themselves spiritually and maintain their connection to the divine. These rituals involve meditation, prayer, and acts of kindness to promote the purity of their souls.   Offerings of Life: Solomites offer gifts and sacrifices to Solomon as a symbol of their devotion and to honor the sanctity of life. These offerings may include fresh fruits, flowers, and symbolic representations of life's elements.   Festival of Renewal: This festival marks the end of one year and the beginning of another. Solomites gather to celebrate the passing of time and to renew their commitment to the principles of their faith. This takes place on the 20th of the last month until the end of the year
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations

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