Tiberians Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Tiberians (Tie-beer-ian)

One of the twelve Human tribes of The Confederation of Man. They would later become the nation of Sigenstein.

The Tiberians were a opportunitist, nationlists isolationists and surronded by river and mountain. They were a cunning people that worshipped Shad of the Old Rodinia Pantheon of which is now banned. 

The Tiberians were notorious for backstabbing, striking neighbors when they weak and breaking alliances, and so when Sieghardt came he gave them an ultimatium, either join him or be destroyed. Sieghardt with his massive army on their border struck fear into the Tiberians and so they hastly accepted to join him. Sieghardt then prepared his army to leave, and the chiefs of the Tiberians gathered together to discuss how they would backstab Sieghardt and when a good time to do it, however they never expected that Sieghardt and his army would join this discussion too. The tricksters were tricked by Sieghardt and he had them all executed. Sieghardt then made himself the king of all the Tiberians. And to ensure that none would betray him. He grabbed the sacred daggers of Shad which were seaped with the deadliest of poisons, and he stabbed himself with it, after not dying on the spot, it proved to the Tiberians that he had been chosen by Shad to lead them and that no dagger would harm him.

Their captial was called Beroun and is now Holstein.
Geopolitical, Tribe

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