Undead Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Undead Dragon

Undead Dragons are a chilling and fearsome breed that originated from the dark arts of necromancy. Born from the twisted experiments and unholy rituals performed by necromancers, these dragons bear the taint of death and possess an eerie, otherworldly aura.   Unlike their living counterparts, Undead Dragons have a macabre appearance that reflects their association with the realm of death. Their scales take on a desolate and withered appearance, resembling decaying flesh or skeletal remains. Some may even have exposed bones or patches of decaying skin, adding to their haunting visage.   These dragons exhibit a wide range of unique traits and abilities that stem from their connection to death and the dark arts. They possess an affinity for necromantic energies, allowing them to manipulate and harness the forces of death. With their dark powers, Undead Dragons can summon and control undead creatures, imbue their attacks with necrotic energy, and even drain the life force of their enemies.   Undead Dragons often possess an unnatural resilience and endurance, enabling them to withstand significant damage and recover from injuries that would be fatal to other dragons. Their undead nature grants them an immunity to certain types of attacks and ailments that would affect living creatures.   In terms of their breath weapon, Undead Dragons unleash a menacing and corrupting force. Instead of the elemental breaths seen in other dragon types, they emit blasts of necrotic energy that can inflict decay, rot, and corruption upon their targets. This energy saps the life force and vitality of those caught within its grasp, leaving behind a trail of desolation and death.   Due to their connection to the necromantic arts, Undead Dragons often exhibit heightened intelligence and cunning. They possess an understanding of the delicate balance between life and death and can utilize their dark powers with strategic precision. Some have even been known to speak the language of necromancers or possess the ability to communicate with spirits and undead entities.   Undead Dragons are often solitary creatures, lurking in shadowy lairs or haunting desolate landscapes. They are drawn to places of death and decay, where their powers are amplified and where they can gather and command undead minions. While their motives may vary, many Undead Dragons are driven by a thirst for power, seeking to expand their dominion over the realm of death and spread darkness and despair.
Encompassed species

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