Wind Dragon Ethnicity in Oros | World Anvil
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Wind Dragon

Wind Dragons, also known as Serpent-Winged Dragons, are a distinct and fascinating breed within the dragon family. They possess a blend of serpent-like features and the traditional wings seen in other dragon types. This unique combination sets them apart and makes them easily recognizable.   In terms of appearance, Wind Dragons have sleek, elongated bodies that resemble serpents. Their scales can come in various shades of blues, grays, or whites, allowing them to blend seamlessly with the skies and clouds. Wind Dragons however aren't bounded to their serpent like bodies like the Azure dragons and can look like a blue or red dragon with their sinuous, muscular bodies that facilitate their fluid movements through the air.   While their serpentine form may give the impression of being wingless, Wind Dragons do possess wings. These wings, however, may not be as prominently developed as those of other dragons. They can vary in size and shape, ranging from broad and elongated wings to more delicate and feather-like structures. The wings enable Wind Dragons to navigate the skies with grace and precision, allowing them to soar and glide effortlessly.   One distinguishing feature of Wind Dragons is their affinity for manipulating air currents and harnessing the power of wind. They have exceptional control over the atmosphere, capable of generating strong gusts and manipulating airflow to their advantage. This ability grants them incredible agility and speed in flight, making them formidable adversaries in aerial combat.   Wind Dragons are known for their elusive and elusive nature. They are often found in regions with strong wind currents, such as mountaintops or open plains. They thrive in environments where their mastery of wind can be fully utilized. These dragons are highly skilled in maneuvering through turbulent skies, swiftly dodging obstacles and launching precise attacks against their opponents.   Their connection to the element of wind also extends to their breath weapon. Wind Dragons can unleash powerful bursts of air, creating localized whirlwinds or devastating tornado-like forces. These breath attacks can knock back enemies, disrupt formations, and create chaos on the battlefield.   In temperament, Wind Dragons are often portrayed as independent and free-spirited creatures. They possess a sense of wanderlust and are known to explore vast territories, always seeking new horizons. While not necessarily aggressive, they can be protective of their domains and exhibit fierce determination when threatened.
Encompassed species

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