Zine Empire Organization in Oros | World Anvil
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Zine Empire

The Zine Empire was a formidable force that emerged in the wake of the cataclysm. As the first empire to rise after the world was ravaged by chaos, the Zine Empire made its mark on history with its might and influence.   Under the leadership of Emperor Augustus and the guidance of the seven gods known as the 7 Icons, the Zine Empire expanded its territories and established its dominance over vast regions. With their mortal armies and the blessings of the gods, the Zine Empire achieved military conquests, brought order to previously chaotic lands, and built cities and infrastructures that showcased their power and prosperity.   The Zine Empire's influence extended beyond its borders, as it engaged in diplomacy and trade with neighboring kingdoms and civilizations. Its culture, language, and traditions spread, leaving a lasting impact on the societies it interacted with.

During the second age the Zine Empire had lost all seven of their icons either by death in war, betrayal or desertion. Without their icons to protect them and guide them, they were left exposed and defenseless against godly threats. This also made it difficult to deal with mortal threats as well. The politics of the empire also played a part in their downfall and loss of land and power.

The Final leader of the Zine Empire was Eudokia Doukas. The blind empress as she was called. She was blind and childless in her adult years. With many members of her court exploiting her for their own gain and the opportunity to become the new emperor. This was until the arrival of Yang Kai. Yang Kai a Han man from the Zixing Empire in the east. He came to serve the blind empress and was her greatest ally. He would protect her from the intrigue of court and grant more power back into her hands. He would soon make her his second wife and upon her death he would inherit the empire and reestablish it as the Yang Empire.
The Zine Empire would continue on in a different name but it would come to an end of the traditional ways of the Zine.


The Iconoclast religion was started after seven gods protected the Zine people and offered to become their protectors.
These seven icons were Charon God of the Hearth, Bellona Goddess of war, Nike Goddess of victory, Zun Sun God, Concordia Goddess of Harmony, Veritas God of Truth and Janus god of fortune.
These seven icons protected the empire from godly threats and disaster, ensuring the survival of the empire.
However about 1000 years later all of the icons would be gone causing the empire to undergo a downward spiral

1066 - 4013

Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species

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