Yang Kai- The Great Yang Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Yang Kai- The Great Yang

Space Emperor

"Courting Death" - Yang Kai

Yang Kai, also known as "the Great Yang", "Savior of the Dragons", the "Never Yielding", the "All-Father", the "Unpredictable One", "Hero of the Second Age", "Destroyer of Demons", "the Peak", and the "Time Emperor is the second Mortal God and first Dragon Emperor of the Yang Empire.

  Yang Kai, the enigmatic and revered second mortal god, embodies the epitome of unyielding determination towards mastery over the Dao. Rising from the humble role of a mere dirt sweeper, his ascension to godhood is all the more greater. As a leader, Yang Kai forged not just an empire but a powerful and prosperous nation, his followers even to this day serve faithfully, his strategic brilliance and unwavering commitment to his own strength spread to his followers. Yang Kai is best known for his great kinship with friends and family, but enemies would receive his full might thricefold, His governance was characterized by a clear motto, "Those who Wrong Me Once, I Beat Three Times,".

Some may believe that Yang Kai was a genius, a protege or even gifted, however he was none of these things. He was the bottom of the barrel, weaker than a twig, but he had an undying spirit that he had since his birth all the way until his last days, he stayed true to his principles at all intervals, never shifting course. Of course this was the case for allies, but for enemies, he could be see as the greatest demon to ever spawn. Because when Yang Kai strikes, he holds no punches. One time a sect with no grievances with Yang Kai tried to kill him for merely crossing the road, they showed upmost cruelty towards him as if he was a mortal enemy. Yang Kai escaped from their wrath and some years later, would single-handedly destroy the barrier of the sect and kill all of their disciples and masters on his lonesome, showing his might, those that were left were crushed beneath him for he never aligns with snakes.

Yang Kai's blood contiunes to course their the veins of millions not only in the Yang Empire but around the world too. But those of his purest of line share his golden blood. Only those pure Yang have golden blood, which marks them as royalty and a future powerhouse. Yang Kai is a master of many things, such as time, space, spears among the many.

Yang Kai would vanish into a portal one day, never to be seen again and supposed dead. But among a few and his first wife Su Yan, they believe he will return one day for he always does.
Divine Classification
Mortal God
Shifting Alignment
Current Status
Vanish into a portal
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Unkillable 
Emperor of Dragons
Savor of the Dragons
The Immortal Warrior
The Scourge of All Enemies
The Greatest Ally
Never Yielding
Master Schemer
The Great Yang(Yang Empire)
The All-Father
The Unpredictable One

Hero of the Human race
Emperor of Beasts
Lord of Worlds
Nature's Champion
Destroyer of Demons
The Peak
Time Emperor
Space Emperor
Void Emperor
Holy Lord
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
3989 AC 9248 AC 5259 years old
Circumstances of Death
Vanished into a Portal
Long Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization

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