Oros The Fall of Ratbag
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The Fall of Ratbag

Life, Death


Oneiros ravages the orcs and kills Ratbag

During the time of silence, Ratbag the Exalted, the leader of the new orc empire, had expanded his dominion greatly, wielding the powers of the shadow realm. However, Oneiros recognized the might and influence of the Orc Empire and saw it as a threat. Gathering a small group of greater demons, Oneiros launched a devastating attack on the orc forces.   In the midst of the battle, Oneiros himself engaged the main orc army, unleashing his wrath upon them. His rampage lasted for weeks, causing great destruction and loss of life. Eventually, Oneiros confronted Ratbag, engaging him in a fierce duel. In a brutal act, Oneiros crushed Ratbag's head, ending his life.   With the death of their leader, the orcs were left with no choice but to submit to Oneiros. Recognizing his immense power, they acknowledged him as their new leader. Oneiros, now in complete control of the orc empire, integrated it into the forces of Infernia, becoming an extension of its influence.   Under Oneiros' rule, the orc empire underwent a significant transformation, aligning itself with the demon forces and spreading further chaos and destruction. The orcs, once led by Ratbag, now followed Oneiros, further fueling the power of Infernia and its reign of torment and suffering.

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