Ratbag the Exalted Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Ratbag the Exalted

Ratbag is one of the many Orc Overlords that united the orcs to build an empire and unleash mayhem upon all else. He would arise during the Time of Silence following the death of Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa in the Battle of the Spire.

Ratbag was versed in the dark arts of the Shadow Realm, allowing him to outperfrom all others. Ratbag rised during a dark time for the orcs. For thousands of years the orcs after losing their first and only overlord, were now at the mercy of other races, from genocide from the Primordial Elf race of Aneria and Lizardfolk of Hytikix, enslavement from the Primordial Dark Elf race and servants of the dark forces. The glorious time of Uruk the Great was remembered fondly but a return to that time seemed to never come. The orcs after spliting off the other dark forces and forming their own nations, they all held out hope to restore the Orc Empire, but with their wills and spirit broken, none could acheive this. Until the coming of Ratbag. When Ratbag came upon his broken kin, in order to instill the old orcish drive of warmongering and powerhungry ways into them, he used faith and devotion to renew the orc war machine, With undying faith and devotion, Ratbag's forces rolled over all other orc nations, and soon he was now overlord. The time of silence saw the rise of petty nations formed by the ambitions of the many races and Ratbag would terroize these during this time. 

Many years into the time of silence, Ratbag had expanded his empire to rule over a vast amount of land. But the Demon Kings were making their own campaigns and the one that came for him and his empire was the destroyer. The destroyer single-handly decimated thousands and thousands of orcs sent at him. Ratbag would meet his end at hands of Oneiros the Destroyer.

Tenets of Faith

Ratbag the Exatlted is worshipped by the Mystic Tribe for his use of mytic powers and his undying devotion.
Chaotic Evil
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Year of Death
5071 BC
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by Oneiros
Aligned Organization

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