Oros Asophiel's Advance
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Asophiel's Advance

Military action


Asophiel expands Infernia

Asophiel, left unchallenged as the sole ruler of the fighting factions during the time of silence, took advantage of the chaos to expand his influence and further establish Infernia. He led invasions into the newly formed nations, seeking to dominate and subjugate them under his rule. Asophiel's power grew as Infernia expanded, feeding on the suffering and destruction caused by his campaigns. Initially, Asophiel had the assistance of his Demon Generals, who aided him in his conquests. However, as his dominion expanded and his power became more entrenched, Asophiel sent his Demon Generals to wreak havoc and spread chaos in various regions. Each Demon General was given the freedom to pursue their own agendas, causing further turmoil and destabilization across the lands.   Asophiel's strategy of unleashing his Demon Generals served two purposes. Firstly, it allowed him to extend his reach and influence, as the chaos and destruction caused by the demons further fueled his power. Secondly, it created diversions and distractions, making it harder for the opposing forces to unite and mount a cohesive resistance against him.   Asophiel's unchallenged reign and the actions of his Demon Generals plunged the world into further despair and suffering. The inhabitants of the invaded nations faced oppression and torment under Asophiel's rule, while the activities of the Demon Generals led to widespread fear and devastation. The once hopeful realms now lived in constant fear, their struggles compounded by the relentless assaults of Asophiel and his forces.

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