Asophiel- Lord of Hell Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Asophiel- Lord of Hell

Lord of Torment

"Asophiel ascended to the unprecedented stature of the inaugural Lord of Hell, a celestial whose path to such infernal eminence shrouded itself in the enigmatic folds of ancient lore. The chronicles, now dimmed by the sands of time, fail to unveil the sacrifices made and the horrors unleashed to attain this dread rank. In the celestial saga that unfolded during the tumultuous era of the Celestial War, Asophiel, initially standing as the highest-ranking Archon and the esteemed second in command to Archlord Kristya, embarked on a journey that would redefine the course of the conflict and cast his name into the annals of celestial history. -Annuals of Hell
Asophiel, also known as the "Demon God", "Hell Emperor", the "Great Adversary", the "Daemon King of Kings", and the "Soulweaver" is the Celestial God of Infernia, torment, despair, Demons, disillusionment and aversion.

Asophiel is the Lord of Hell and ruler of Infernia. He is evil incarnate, he and all that serve him wish to bring nothing but suffering upon the world. Asophiel the once Archon was the second in command of Archlord Kristya, he lead the light forces through countless tumultuous battles in The Celestial War, once marked by loyalty and devotion to the cause of light, found his convictions shaken by the persistent conflict and the haunting echoes of Tiamat- Goddess of Vengeance's words that resonated within his mind. This disillusionment served as the catalyst for a profound transformation, leading him down a tragic path of rebellion against the very forces he once served with unwavering commitment.

      In a desperate bid for change and driven by an overwhelming sense of despair, Asophiel made a fateful decision that would reverberate through the celestial realms. The sacrifice of an astonishing 100 million lives called Morthraxis became the grim offering to forge a realm that would come to be known as Infernia. Within the shadows of this dark domain, Asophiel underwent a metamorphosis, embracing a demonic nature that would redefine his existence.

      Emerging from the crucible of transformation, Asophiel stood as a formidable adversary, now wielding dark powers and commanding legions of demonic forces. No longer bound by the constraints of his former allegiance, he became a pivotal force in the war, opposing both the radiant forces of light and the malevolent powers of darkness. Asophiel's rebellion introduced a new dimension of chaos to the already turbulent celestial conflict, as he waged war against his former comrades and the entrenched forces of good and evil.

      The battles led by Asophiel and his demonic legions were marked by ferocity and devastation. The clash between his newfound dark powers and the radiant forces of light left in its wake a trail of havoc and destruction on an unprecedented scale. Asophiel, once a noble archon, had become a symbol of rebellion and despair, challenging the established order and seeking to reshape the world according to his own twisted vision.

    Asophiel stands as the creator and undubitable master of all Demons. At his beck and call are the legions of hell, his all-powerful and loyal Daemon Kings and his immaculate arcane might.

Divine Domains

Asophiel is the god of Infernia, torment, despair, Demons, disllusionment and aversion.

Asophiel is the creator of the demons, their king, master of their world, he is their everything. All demons worship Asophiel as the creator god and lord of torment. His following is zealous and militant.

To not worship Asophiel is afront to one's own existenct and even among the followers of the Daemon Kings, they must hold Asophiel above their masters.

Tenets of Faith

The worshippers of Asophiel are chaotic and evil, they follow tenets that are no different than a wild animals.
  • Torture whenever possible
  • Death is a mercy, don't granted it soo easily
  • To stray from the path of Asophiel is to stray from one's own existence
  • Corrupt, pillage, raze and mutilate

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Times of Light

"Asophiel stands as the brightest constellation. Among the Archons, he is the embodiment of unwavering loyalty, his brilliance illuminating the path of righteousness for us all. Asophiel's celestial prowess is matched only by the purity of his resolve. He is not just a fellow Archon; he is the paragon of our celestial order, the resolver of problems, and a beacon of inspiration." -Selephiel
  In the eons preceding the catastrophic events of The Tainting, Asophiel stood as a paragon among the Archons, his celestial essence radiating with the pure brilliance of the divine light. Renowned as the third strongest among his celestial brethren, Asophiel's commitment to the cause of light was unwavering, his every action a testament to his devout belief in the cosmic order.  

As an Archon, Asophiel embodied the virtues of diligence and loyalty. His celestial form exuded an aura of righteousness that earned him the respect and admiration of both peers and subordinates alike. Among the assembly of Archons, Asophiel held a distinguished position as the resolver of problems, a celestial diplomat whose wisdom and cool-headedness were sought in times of celestial discord. His interactions with his fellow Archons were marked by camaraderie and mutual respect, establishing him as a figure to be looked up to within the celestial hierarchy.

  Intelligence was a defining trait of Asophiel's celestial persona. His keen mind navigated the complexities of cosmic governance with precision, ensuring that the forces of light operated harmoniously in their eternal struggle against the encroaching darkness. In the era before the shadows cast their malevolent stain upon the celestial realms, Asophiel's brilliance illuminated the path of righteousness, and his stalwart dedication to the divine cause inspired hope among the celestial forces.
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Torment
Demon God
Daemon King of Kings
Lord of Hell
Lord of Infernia
Great Adversary
All-father of Demons
Emperor of Hell
Torment Emperor
Creator God of Demons
The First Demon
Demon Master
Ad-fiemyr ao dypalw(Infernal)
Brimstone Conduit
Demonic Overlord
Lord of Sacrificial Shadows
Infernal Sovereign
Malevolent Deceiver
Harbinger of Demonic Eclipse
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Glowing Empty Eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Scorched Flesh
Related Myths
Ruled Locations

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