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Cálecelos, the lord of Change, may be considered the weakest among the four primordial gods, as his powers are not as overt or direct as those of Grapha, Holactie, and Solomon. While Grapha is fueled by death and darkness, Holactie by the presence of light, and Solomon by the essence of life, Cálecelos derives his strength from the power of change itself. Though change may not occur frequently or on a grand scale, it holds a unique influence and potential. When Solomon created the humans and Giants, Cálecelos seized the opportunity to corrupt their creation. He infused their beings with tendencies towards greed and susceptibility to their inner desires. This tarnished the initial image of Solomon and provided a new faction for both the forces of light and darkness, as well as the demonic forces, to contend with. However, the true magnitude of the humans' impact was unforeseen by Cálecelos or anyone else.   Unlike the other races such as Dwarves, Elves, Lizardfolk, and Orcs, who tend to exhibit single-mindedness and conformity within their groups, humans displayed a remarkable diversity. Each individual human possessed their own distinct desires, wants, needs, and dreams, setting them apart from one another. This inherent deviation from the norm ignited within Cálecelos an immense surge of power. The humans became his favorite race, a source of endless change that fueled him with extraordinary strength. With this newfound power, Cálecelos rose to surpass even Solomon, able to rival Grapha and Holactie in strength.   Cálecelos recognized the potential for even greater change and devised a plan to bring about the most significant transformation of all. One day, amidst the ongoing war, a colossal explosion erupted from an unknown location in the world. Its impact reverberated across the entire planet, resonating through all realms, and every living creature could hear and feel its force, including Solomon, Holactie, and Grapha. At the epicenter of the blast, a vast void appeared—a void that would later be known as the source of magic.   This tremendous explosion infused all beings with a mystical, unknown power. It marked the birth of magic itself, a manifestation of the great change desired by Cálecelos. Magic, like humans, was ever-changing, granting an abundance of power to those who wielded it. Prior to this event there was no magic and only inherent powers. However, with the emergence of this new form of power that all could use, Cálecelos found himself empowered in ways previously unimagined.   The introduction of magic into the world opened up endless possibilities for transformation, upheaval, and growth. It became a potent tool that both the forces of light and darkness could harness, altering the course of history and shaping the destinies of all races. This great change brought about by Cálecelos solidified his newfound strength and influence, propelling him to heights previously unattainable.   As the world embraced this new era of ever-changing magic, Cálecelos reveled in his position as the lord of Change. His power surged, and his dominion expanded, forever shaping the fate of the realms and all those who inhabited them.

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