Cálecelos - God of Change Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Cálecelos - God of Change (Ca-le-c-los)

God of Magic

"I observe you keenly, perceiving the animosity concealed beneath your veneer of civility. I listen intently, discerning the profound shadows that cloak your meticulously crafted falsehoods. I linger on the fringes of reason, savoring the agony within your thoughts—the longing to unveil this masquerade. I find solace in the deepest recesses of your spirit. Amidst the shadows, I patiently await the moment you acknowledge that your breath is drawn solely by my decree. I am Cálecelos, and you, my marionette, twirl to the rhythm of my design." -Cálecelos, The Great Changer
  Cálecelos, also known as the "Great Changer," the "Lord of Change," the "Architect of Fate," Zovie, "the Magic Lord," Shen the Gift Giver(in Ur), the "Great Betrayer" and the "Trickster God," is the Primordial God of Change, evolution, ambition, intrigue, destiny, lies, trickery, magic, knowledge, and mutation.

While scholars versed in the mysteries of gods commonly identify this deity as Cálecelos, the reality surpasses the comprehension of mere mortals. Among the other Primordial Gods , he stands preeminent, boasting an abundance of facets, names, and manifestations. He is the embodiment of change, representing the innate acknowledgment and yearning within every mortal soul for transformation, progression, and an insatiable pursuit of more—more knowledge, more wealth, more power.

Regardless of his appearance and the followers he gathers, the Great Changer is perpetually perceived as the Grand Schemer, an capricious deity immersed in political intrigues, to be both feared and distrusted. What mortal can claim they've never yearned for insights into the enigmas of fate or the formidable might of magic? Only Cálecelos possesses the genuine key to such ominous knowledge, and his demanded price is exorbitant indeed.

For his worshippers are naught but pawns in his Great Game to outflank his fellow Primordial Gods and to bring about the downfall of all civilisation. The God rewards his followers with madness and insanity, and upon death their spirits are brought to his halls in the Realm of Change to serve him for all eternity. Yet, the Trickster God does not scheme towards the accomplishment of some end, but instead, strives to create tumult and turmoil for its own sake.

Cálecelos revels in the intricate plotting and political maneuvering of others, showing favoritism towards the clever rather than the strong, the manipulative over the violent. None of Cálecelos's schemes are straightforward; they often seem contradictory to the rare few outside observers who can discern the influence of the Great Sorcerer. While Cálecelos doesn't shy away from the bloodshed of war, he vastly prefers winning battles through cunning and devastating sorcery over brute force.   Cálecelos's true goals are shrouded in mystery, making it challenging to fathom his intentions. If he aims to assert dominance over the mortal realm, his methods are, at best, indirect, often involving the manipulation of others as pawns to advance his cryptic plans. Cálecelos takes pleasure in corrupting mortals, bestowing upon them powers that exceed their capacity to control. He particularly targets Magisters, priests of other gods, and those with magical prowess. For those without magical gifts, Cálecelos dangles temptations of secret knowledge and promises of ways to overcome their rivals.   Cálecelos possesses the unique ability to perceive every event and intention, allowing his unfathomable mind to discern how each strand intertwines to influence the future. Only he can witness the tapestry of potential futures unfolding like multicolored threads through time. Cálecelos's plans transcend temporal and spatial boundaries, extending across countless centuries. His intricate plots are woven together, establishing him as the primary architect of clandestine alliances among the Dark Gods. For Cálecelos, the art of scheming is not merely a means to an end; it is an end in itself. Combined with his mastery of sorcery, this command of subtlety and artifice elevates Cálecelos to a level of power rivaling even Grapha- God of Death & Darkness.

Cálecelos is the living embodiment of flux, a Demon-god that authentically encapsulates the formidable energies and relentless impetus of Chaos, as well as the very essence of unbridled magic. As the Great Sorcerer of Chaos and the Bringer of Change, it is crucial to understand that ceaseless, tumultuous change constitutes the core essence of Chaos itself. Chaos, in its truest nature, is the wellspring of the arcane energies that mortals, steeped in their superstitions, have come to label as "magic."


The Genesis of Posterity

"In the realm where shadows whisper secrets and magic beckons with a tantalizing embrace, Cálecelos is the seductive sorcerer, weaving destinies with the sweet poison of power. To resist his corrupting touch is to defy the very nature of desire, for in the dance of shadows, he is the master orchestrator of temptation." -Hademar Schnorr, Imperial Mage
In the early days of Oros when Solomon - God of Life was first creating life, Cálecelos had been spending his time just delightfully watching Holactie - The Creator of Light and Grapha- God of Death & Darkness battle each other for rule over their respective domains. Cálecelos paid no heed of his younger insignificant brother, until the creation of the Primordial Elf. This caused Cálecelos to glance over for the first time and he was fascinated with Solomon's creation. They were perfected by him and were his magnum opus. Cálecelos was infatuated with all the ways he could destroy his perfect creations. Cálecelos would also notice that Holactie too would create new races. But Cálecelos was far to weak to create a race like his far more powerful siblings. So Cálecelos simply waited for an opportunity to arise.

After millions of years, the elves lived in a peaceful civilization and had complete devotion in Solomon, with their unbreakable will and devotion it was hard to find any outliers. This would be until a single elf would lose faith. An elf by the name of Aymer Valdi, who was a hunter on the outskirts of Aneria near the Shadow Realm. One day his daugther would be killed by a lone Shadow Beast. This beast was small and agile as it escaped Aymer, taking his arm with it, and so Aymer would plead with the village elders to hunt down the beast and avenge his daughter so that she may have a proper burial, for the beast had taken her necklace and an elf buried without their belongings is not considered an elf at all. But the village elders would refuse as hunting a beast of such small statue was meaningless and a waste of time and that he should reclaim his daughter's necklace on his own. An impossible feat for a mangled hunter, Aymer turned to pray in Solomon to aid him. For years his prayers would be met with silence. Aymer abandoned by his fellow elves and his very own god would lost all hope. But one day in his depression, he would begin to hear voices, the words of Solomon would enter into his mind. It congratulated him for his devotion and that his dilemma would be solved, but he was far too weak to face the shadow beast and reclaim his daugther's necklace. And by the dictation of the voice of Solomon, the once lost Aymer would train and prepare for his battle. After Aymer would finally strengthen himself, the voice would tell him that his foe lies in the shadow realm, it would say "despite it being forbidden to you elves, your kin abandoned you and your daugther, you have prepared for this moment, why should you follow the rules of those that care not for you. Enter the shadow realm and reclaim what was lost to you. I Solomon have guided you to the path, now you must take it." Aymer with no hesitation would venture into the shadow realm where he would immediately become corrupted by the darkness. With his strengthen body, he would not instantly die but instead struggle to resist and this struggle was exactly what Cálecelos wanted. After a lengthy period of screams and void calls to Solomon. The elf once known as Aymer would be no more, what was left was a creature of horridness, a creature of pure darkness and evil. This creature would be known as the Orcs. Cálecelos would repeat this process numerous times until the orcs had enough to procreate. From this event would begin the future of wars to follow.

Was it luck or a coincidence that Aymer's daughter would be killed, or that the village elders would abandon him, or that Solomon would forsake him. To many this would be the case, but the fools could not be further from the truth. For it was Cálecelos that led the shadow beast to roam in lonesome, it was Cálecelos that misconstrued the words uttered that day between Aymer and the village elders, it was Cálecelos that distracted Solomon so that he wouldn't hear the prayers, it was Cálecelos that led Aymer into the shadow realm for his death. Cálecelos knew this would be and knew what was to be, he was at each corner, biding his time and unleashing this cornucopia onto those none the wiser.

The Shattering of Cálecelos

Do not ponder over which entity wails in the night. Do not inquire about the figure lurking in the shadows. It is my scream that stirs you from slumber, and my form that lingers in the obscurity. I am Cálecelos, and you are the marionette swaying to my melody..." -Cálecelos, The Great Changer
    During The Celestial War, Cálecelos, the lord of Change, was to be considered the weakest among the four primordial gods, as his powers are not as overt or direct as those of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness, Holactie - The Creator of Light, and Solomon - God of Life. While Grapha is fueled by death and darkness, Holactie by the presence of light, and Solomon by the essence of life, Cálecelos derives his strength from the power of change itself. Though change may not occur frequently or on a grand scale, it holds a unique influence and potential. In in effort to turn the tide for the light forces durning the Celestial War, Solomon would create the Humans and Giants, Cálecelos just like with the Primordial Elf in The Genesis seized the opportunity to corrupt their creation. He infused their beings with tendencies towards greed and susceptibility to their inner desires. This tarnished the initial image of Solomon and provided a new faction for both the forces of light and darkness, as well as the demonic forces, to contend with. However, the true magnitude of the humans' impact was unforeseen by anyone else but Cálecelos.

Unlike the other races such as Dwarves, Elves, Lizardfolk, and Orcs, who tend to exhibit single-mindedness and conformity within their groups, humans displayed a remarkable diversity. Each individual human possessed their own distinct desires, wants, needs, and dreams, setting them apart from one another. This inherent deviation from the norm ignited within Cálecelos an immense surge of power. The humans became his favorite race, a source of endless change that fueled him with extraordinary strength. With this newfound power, Cálecelos secretly rose to surpass even Solomon, able to rival Grapha and Holactie in strength.

In the midst of The Celestial War, Cálecelos would silently descend onto Oros. Cálecelos, ever the master of flux and transformation, chose a moment of celestial alignment during the peak of the war. The cosmic forces converged in a pattern only he could decipher. With a calculated act of will, he initiated the Shattering, unraveling his form into countless fragments of magical energy. In a blinding burst of eldritch brilliance, Cálecelos fragmented into billions of pieces across all of infinity, each containing a fraction of his essence. These scattered pieces seaped into every crevice of the world. The magic born from the Shattering became an intrinsic part of the land, the air, and the very souls of its inhabitants. This immense explosion shook the cosmos and could be felt by all even the other Primordial Gods felt this thunderous eruption. In the wake of the explosion, at it's epicenter remained a hole in the world, a void of gargantuan size was all that could be found, but it served as the proof of magic, for from it all magic originate from. This void would forever be known as The Maelstrom.

This tremendous explosion infused all beings with a mystical, unknown power. It marked the birth of magic itself, a manifestation of the great change desired by Cálecelos. Magic, like humans, was ever-changing, granting an abundance of power to those who wielded it. Prior to this event there was no magic and only inherent powers. However, with the emergence of this new form of power that all could use, Cálecelos found himself empowered in ways previously unimagined.

The introduction of magic into the world opened up endless possibilities for transformation, upheaval, and growth. It became a potent tool that both the forces of light and darkness could harness, altering the course of history and shaping the destinies of all races. This great change brought about by Cálecelos solidified his newfound strength and influence, propelling him to heights previously unattainable.

As the world embraced this new era of ever-changing magic, Cálecelos reveled in his position as the lord of Change, god of magic and great sorcercer. His power surged, and his divine dominion expanded, forever shaping the fate of the realms and all those who inhabited them.


"Is not the sole unchanging element in the cosmos metamorphosis itself? A time will come when all that stands will crumble to dust, and even the celestial luminaries will wane in their brilliance. Your existence, a mere flicker in the vast tapestry, your demise an inconsequential footnote bereft of significance. Embrace, dear one, the revelation of how resplendently your ember can blaze..." -Khoalvrond The Sinner
Within tomes forbidden to the rational minds, adherents of Cálecelos have chronicled their glimpses of their otherworldly patron. No accord exists in these descriptions. At times, the Butterfly God materializes as an ephemeral mist of ever-changing hues, or takes form as a colossal Daemon adorned with a vulture's beak and iridescent wings. Perhaps, he is envisioned as a colossal entity, where head and torso meld into an uncanny unity, crowned with mighty horns emerging from his shoulders. His skin, a canvas for myriad visages, murmurs his every word in a symphony of subtle nuances.

His eyes, obsidian orbs, gleam akin to the unfathomable depths of the Cosmos, and his countenance carries the weight of contemplation, as if immersed in an eternal enigma. The essence of magic dances around him, a chromatic cascade resembling a plethora of serpentine forms. While commonly alluded to as a "he" with a masculine attribution, the truth remains that, like all entities comprised of the primordial energies known as the Primordial Gods, Cálecelos lacks a definitive gender.

As varied in nomenclature as in visage, Cálecelos is hailed by myriad epithets. He is the "Weaver of All Fates," entwining a complex canvas to achieve his inscrutable aims. He assumes the mantle of "The Deceiver," whispering malevolent counsel into the ears of monarchs, nurturing murderous ambitions, and sowing rebellion among their subjects. Plucking the strings of jealousy and resentment, he orchestrates a macabre dance, with evil-minded men and women as his marionettes. He is the "Great Sorcerer," luring scholars with forbidden truths and inspiring wizards to plunge into the darkest recesses of their arcane knowledge. Above all, he reigns as the Lord of Change, witnessing with fascination as mortal flesh contorts at his touch and natural form yields to his anarchic imagination.

Upon the birth of Holactie - The Creator of Light, she and Grapha- God of Death & Darkness would begin their endless battle between light and darkness. This battle stretching all across the cosmos was of astronomical scale. The amount of power expended from this battle was so great that it would cause all of the cosmos to reform and reshape. But also from this universal clash would birth Cálecelos. Cálecelos would be birthed laughing at the two gods fighting each other. Cálecelos would spend his entire time watching them brawl for dominion, he would never grow tired of watching these vastly more powerful beings fight like children before him.

Divine Domains

Cálecelos's divine domain is change. Scholars, profound thinkers, lowly farmers, mighty kings, all ask what is change? Change, said to embody every mortal creature's recognition of, and desire, to change, to grow, to move, to seek more -- more knowledge, more wealth, more power. Change is the unstoppable cog, change is the future, change is existence.

Cálecelos is universally dreaded as the lord of magic. He is associated with all magic-users whether you serve him or not. 

The ambitious are prone for betrayal and Cálecelos leans towards these individuals that seek personal power with no care whom they are, as long as they are willing to pay the price.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Cálecelos is a large eye. This eye is incased in the equipment and armor of servants of Cálecelos. It is an ominous symbol that no matter the location instantly strikes fear into the hearts of all that would have the misfortune of looking into it.

Animals that are associated with Cálecelos are ravens and butterflys

Tenets of Faith

Ever-shifting and enigmatic, Cálecelos's religious doctrines defy easy comprehension. Amidst this mystique, certain expectations persistently echo through the veiled wisdom of his worshippers.
  • Change is the only constant in the mortal world. To resist it is to incur the wrath of Cálecelos.
  • Magic is the greatest force of change in creation, and a person should study its techniques whenever possible.
  • To bring Chaos to a land and its people is to invoke change. Topple the foundations of law and order whenever and wherever possible.
  • Reject old ways and embrace the new at all times.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

All the world will embrace change

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cálecelos, the third god to emerge in the world of Oros, manifested as a result of the ceaseless battle between Grapha and Holactie, the gods of darkness and light. Born out of the void, Cálecelos personified chaos, mischief, and the enigmatic forces that dwelled in the realm of nothingness. Unlike his siblings, Cálecelos did not actively engage in the struggle for dominion or create elaborate beings. Instead, he found pleasure in observing and manipulating the actions of others. With a mischievous nature, he relished in the conflicts and discord that arose from the interplay between light and darkness.   Thoughout the ages, Cálecelos has seeped his mischievous hands into all happenings. Because of the corruption of the Primordial Elf by Cálecelos, the first war would begin. Because of Cálecelos birthing magic, The Celestial War would completely change in the way it was fought and the birthing of magic would reshape all of the future. Because of Cálecelos killing Solomon - God of Life, the world would become asundered and engulf in endless night. Even the mundane events like a farmer's crops dying out or a deer running across the woods is caused by Cálecelos. All is within Cálecelos's plan, all is acounted for, all is meaningless.

Personality Characteristics


Cálecelos's goal is simple, to cause great change and chaos all throughout. But this could also not be his goal as he sometimes does things against this. No one knows why or what he does, only he himself does. But it is defintely all apart of whatever plan us fools cannot begin to fathom.


Contacts & Relations

Cálecelos doesn't need relations, in fact they serve no purpose unless they do serve a purpose. No one likes Cálecelos and avoid him at all costs, for he is above them, he is beyond them, for he his beneath them.

Cálecelos is directly responsible for the creation of the Orcs.
Cálecelos's action to create magic would lead to the creation of Simorghs, Centaurs, Mermaids, Harpy race, Changelings, Aarakocras, Satyr race and many transfromed races.


Cálecelos - God of Change

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Holactie - The Creator of Light



Holactie - The Creator of Light

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change




They have not interacted much. Holactie just is annoyed by his presence and especially his laugh, while he only cares for change and sees relationships as folly things that require change.

Cálecelos - God of Change

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Grapha- God of Death & Darkness



Grapha- God of Death & Darkness

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change




Although they are the most similar of the primordial gods, they will never see eye to eye.

Hestia - The Bringer of Light

Niece (Trivial)

Towards Cálecelos - God of Change



Cálecelos - God of Change

Uncle (Trivial)

Towards Hestia - The Bringer of Light



Solomon - God of Life


Towards Cálecelos - God of Change


Cálecelos - God of Change


Towards Solomon - God of Life


Mark of Cálecelos
Divine Classification
Primordial God
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archiect of Fate
The Great Changer
The Deceiver
Lord of Change
Great Sorcerer
Shen the Gift Giver(Ur)
Trickster God
Great Betrayer
Fate Weaver
Divinity of Fate
Magic Lord
Weaver of All Fates
Butterfly God
Raven God
Neth'Tzeen(Tongue of Change)
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Fighting of Holactie and Grapha
Ruled Locations

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