Oros The Endless Night
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The Endless Night



Bellerophon returns and begins the endless night

The return of Bellerophon, the ancient adversary defeated by Solomon centuries ago, brought about a new wave of darkness and despair that engulfed the world. With no one to oppose him as before, Bellerophon unleashed his power, shrouding the realm in total darkness. This act not only prolonged the cataclysm but intensified its destructive forces, resulting in even more death and suffering. For 250 years, it seemed as if the cataclysm would finally come to an end as the land began to show signs of healing. However, Bellerophon's return shattered any hopes of a swift recovery. The world plunged back into darkness, and the cataclysm continued for an additional 750 years, inflicting further devastation upon the already ravaged planet.   During this extended period of darkness, the forces of nature raged unabated. The cataclysm unleashed an unrelenting barrage of destructive phenomena, including violent storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other calamities. The land was torn asunder, resources became scarcer, and the surviving races faced unimaginable hardships.   While the cataclysm tormented the planet, Bellerophon reveled in the darkness he had wrought. He absorbed the very essence of the shadows, growing in power and malevolence. His presence loomed over the world, a symbol of despair and destruction.   The combined forces of darkness and the cataclysm perpetuated a seemingly endless cycle of death and suffering. The realm, once vibrant and flourishing, now languished under the weight of darkness and devastation. The once-thriving civilizations struggled to survive, their hopes for recovery and rebuilding dashed by the prolonged cataclysm and the tyranny of Bellerophon.   Yet, even in the face of such despair, the indomitable spirit of the surviving races endured. They clung to hope, resilience, and a collective determination to persevere. With each passing year, they sought solace in unity, forming alliances, and sharing knowledge to navigate through the darkness and mitigate the cataclysm's impact.

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