Oros The End of the Lizards
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The End of the Lizards



The Lizardfolk have perished

In the year 476, during the tumultuous period of the Cataclysm, the Lizardfolk, who possessed a deep connection with the earth, sensed a significant impending event. They recognized that a large landmass was on the verge of splitting away from the rest of the continent. Understanding the perilous situation, the Lizardfolk made a collective decision to migrate onto this separating landmass in order to separate themselves from the rest of the region.   As the landmass began to separate and drift westward, the Lizardfolk found themselves isolated from their previous homeland and the other races struggling to survive amidst the cataclysmic upheaval. Unfortunately, the trajectory of the drifting land led it towards the vast ocean, where it eventually sank beneath the waves. Tragically, all of the Lizardfolk who had sought refuge on that landmass were submerged in the waters, marking the end of their once-thriving civilization.   The demise of the Lizardfolk, as the first sentient race, carried significant weight and symbolized the profound impact of the Cataclysm on the world. Their loss served as a poignant reminder of the relentless and unforgiving nature of the cataclysmic events and the subsequent challenges faced by the surviving races.   The annihilation of the Lizardfolk civilization reverberated throughout history, leaving a void in the world and a somber reminder of the cataclysm's toll. The memory of their culture, knowledge, and achievements would endure, carried on through the tales and legends passed down by subsequent generations. The tragedy of their extinction would serve as a poignant lesson for the races that followed, highlighting the importance of unity, adaptability, and resilience in the face of such dire circumstances.

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