Oros The Lizard-Drow War
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The Lizard-Drow War

Military: War


War between the Lizards and Dark Elves

The war between Khaine's Dark Elf Kingdom and the lizardfolk, which spanned over 3000 years, was characterized by brutalities, oppression, and fierce battles. The lizardfolk, driven by their desire for liberation, fought valiantly against the dark elves, leading to moments of bloodshed and intense conflicts. The turning point in this prolonged war occurred at the decisive Battle of the Cricken Tarp, where Khaine, the embodiment of darkness and tyranny, faced off against the great black-scaled lizard Tehenhauin. Both warriors engaged in a brutal and relentless duel, with Tehenhauin showcasing his exceptional fighting skills and inflicting significant pain upon Khaine.   Despite Tehenhauin's prowess, Khaine's invincibility seemed assured due to the power of his sword, which had been fueled by consuming millennia's worth of blood. However, in a critical moment during the battle, Tehenhauin noticed a bright light emanating from a specific spot on Khaine's body, revealing the lingering wound inflicted by Foliar's Light of Foliar.   Seizing this opportunity, Tehenhauin aimed his strike at the vulnerable spot, gravely turning the tide of the battle in his favor. The divine light infused within the wound caused by Foliar's sword played a pivotal role, aiding Tehenhauin in his final confrontation against the dark elf king.   With a mighty blow, Tehenhauin managed to slay Khaine, bringing an end to his reign of oppression and brutality. The revelation of the wound's influence in the battle not only provided Tehenhauin with an advantage but also symbolized the lasting impact of Foliar's heroic act centuries ago.   The significance of the wound inflicted by Foliar, which had weakened Khaine over time, had unknowingly aided Tehenhauin in his final victory. This event would be remembered as a turning point in the war between the lizardfolk and the dark elves, marking the downfall of Khaine and the eventual liberation of the oppressed races.   The bright light that Tehenhauin saw on Khaine's body, stemming from Foliar's wound, served as a symbol of hope and justice, guiding Tehenhauin to strike the decisive blow that would forever alter the course of Primoria's history.

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