Khaine- God of Murder Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Khaine- God of Murder


Khaine, in the fervor of hatred, heed our plea — as spilled blood echoes our entreaty. Preserve the hearts of the Drow in a cold and bitter state, guarding the murderous essence of our resilient civilization for eternity. Bestow death, just and swift, upon the feeble. Stain the avenger's blade with the blood of ancient foes. Keep a vigilant eye on the ever-changing north. Envelop the wild men and their untamed lands in your darkness. Let blade and projectile offer tribute at your altar. Grant the Drow, your eternal devotees and assassins, the blessing of carrying out murder in your name, ensuring victories as inevitable as scorn. -a high priestess of Khaine
Khaine, often referred to as the "Bloody God" and the "Lord of Murder," stands as the god of violence, war, cruelty, blood, destruction, and murder, and the king of the Dark Elf race. Khaine embodies the fervor for conflict, serving as the unrelenting personification of a brutal creed. His doctrine dictates that war is the catalyst for peace, that life gains significance through the crucible of slaughter, and that love only holds meaning when juxtaposed with the darkest depths of hatred. Khaine is a deity who grants his followers the freedom to act without restraint, permitting everything except the defiance of his divine mandate.

Hence, it comes as no surprise that the Dark Elves covet Khaine's favor above all else, as their existence revolves around acts of slaughter and cruelty. While other races approach the Lord of Murder with caution, the Dark Elves wholeheartedly embrace him, offering sacrifices of slaves, comrades, and even their own offspring in a relentless pursuit of Khaine's fleeting attention. Such unwavering dedication pleases the Bloody God in a manner that the superficial rituals of other worshippers never could. However, Khaine's capricious nature demands ever more extravagant and barbaric sacrifices with each passing year to maintain his crimson gaze.

Divine Domains

Khaine, the god of Murder, holds dominion over a dark and malevolent array of divine domains, each embodying the brutal aspects of his essence:   Violence: Khaine reigns over the tumultuous force of violence, the chaotic and destructive energy that fuels conflicts and battles.   War: As the god of Murder, Khaine is the master of war, guiding the strategies and fates of those embroiled in conflicts across the mortal realms.   Cruelty: The embodiment of cruelty, Khaine revels in the infliction of suffering and pain, taking pleasure in the anguish of his victims.   Blood: Khaine's dominion over blood symbolizes the visceral and life-force essence that accompanies acts of murder and violence.   Destruction: Khaine's influence extends to the realm of destruction, the breaking down of structures and lives in the wake of his relentless pursuit of chaos.   Murder: At the core of his being, Khaine rules over the act of murder itself, the deliberate and calculated taking of life to satiate his insatiable thirst for bloodshed and death.


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Khaine is the divine symbol

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kill their soldiers, kill their wives, kill their children, their cattle and livestock, but above all, kill with pleasure. - Khaine, Lord of Murder

Rise of the Dark Elves

Khaine's rise to power and the subsequent dark elven reign is a tale of betrayal, resentment, and the forging of a merciless race born from the shadows of elven history. The roots of the dark elves traced back to a time when they were once elves themselves, living in a realm of splendor. However, their world crumbled when Uruk the Great would lead his Orc Empire and invade Aneria. Those conquerored lands harbored many elves that were enslaved, reducing the proud elves to mere chattel. The orc occupation was harsh, and the enslaved elves harbored a deep resentment for their oppressors. The Orcs used them for their war, however those closest to the Shadow Realm, where the beginning of their invasion began, the dark powers of the realm spread with the orcs and tainted the very land, wildlife and elves under the orcs, this darkened them and change their appearance from their elven kin.

Upon the eventual reconquest of elven lands, The darkened elves, now free from orc enslavement, were turned on by their lighter skin kin. Those who once held powerful positions were treated as little more than cattle, discriminated against by their lighter brethren. Despite their resentment, the darkened elves, still elves at heart, endured the discrimination with a twisted sense of contentment. Khaine, however, saw this complacency as a grave folly. In his eyes, the elves had betrayed their own kin. His heart burned with anger, and he believed that the time for revenge had come. Khaine became the catalyst for change. He sought to fan the flames of anger and hatred within the darkened elves, awakening a collective consciousness that would lead to rebellion. This would birth the rise of the Primordial Dark Elf race and lead to the Elven Civil War.

  The elven civil war was the result of Khaine's sole effort, a conflict that birthed the dark elves. He emerged as the embodiment of murder, a figure that personified the very spirit of the dark elves. Khaine, driven by a craving for slaughter, forged an image of his race as merciless and brutal, no longer bound by the constraints of elven morality. Under Khaine's charismatic and ruthless leadership, the dark elves rose against their own kind. He became the heart of the dark elves, their symbol of defiance and retribution. Khaine, through sheer force of will, transformed a once-content race into a force to be reckoned with, one that would go on to shape the destiny of elvenkind and leave an indelible mark on the annals of history.

  Khaine the king of his kingdom Kalendra and all dark elves, unleashed unbrindled fury upon the war-torn Primordial Elf race. Khaine would single-handly kill the last elven king, the legendary Tyrifin and embroiled Aneria into chaos. With a thousand lords arising after the last king, each would fall and with the final and greatest being Foliar who Khaine would cut down personally. And with that the once ancient kingdom of Aneria was gone and in it's place only Khaine.


Khaine, shortly after the Elven Civil War waged a brutal war on the Hytikix, the formidable and ancient Lizardfolk civilization. The conflict was marked by ferocity and unrelenting aggression as Khaine sought to have total dominion over Primoria. The war between Khaine and his dark elven kingdom Kalendra and the lizardfolk spanned over 3000 years, marked by brutalities, oppression, and intense conflicts. The lizardfolk, driven by their desire for liberation, fought valiantly against the dark elves, leading to moments of bloodshed and fierce battles. Khaine, with his mastery of warfare and his ruthless determination, led his forces with an iron will. The dark elves, fueled by their king's ambition, proved to be formidable adversaries, their skills in combat honed by years of internal strife and the elven civil war. The turning point in this prolonged war occurred at the decisive Battle of the Cricken Tarp, a moment etched in the annals of Primoria.

  The battleground was a stark, desolate landscape, scarred by the ravages of war. Dark clouds loomed overhead, mirroring the intensity of the impending conflict. Khaine, adorned in dark, intricate armor that seemed to absorb the very light around it. In this historic clash, Khaine, the embodiment of darkness and tyranny, faced off against the famed "Black-scaled lizard", Tehenhauin lord of the lizards and slayer of Uruk the Great. Tehenhauin, adorned in ceremonial armor adorned with feathers and symbols of his ancient peoples. The battlefield was a maelstrom of chaos, with the clash of swords and the roar of warriors echoing through the air. Tehenhauin, the greatest warrior of the lizardfolk, showcased his exceptional fighting skills, inflicting significant pain upon Khaine.

Despite Tehenhauin's prowess, Khaine's invincibility seemed assured due to the power of his all powerful sword, the same sword that will strike fear in the hearts of all by the mere utterance of it's name, the Sword of Khaine. The sword fueled by several millennias worth of blood. The very essence of the sword mirrored Khaine's malevolent nature and had been a driving force behind the dark elf king's conquests. Khaine, a master swordsman, displayed an uncanny finesse, his blade dancing through the air with deadly precision. Tehenhauin, a formidable opponent with unmatched strength, retaliated with powerful swings of his massive war-club. The intensity of the battle reached its peak as Khaine unleashed a series of swift and calculated strikes. It seemed as though victory was within his grasp, his blade inches away from sealing Tehenhauin's fate.

However, in a critical moment during the Battle of the Cricken Tarp, Tehenhauin's keen eyes noticed a bright light emanating from a specific spot on Khaine's body. This revelation exposed the lingering wound inflicted by Foliar's weapon, the now named Light of Foliar, a wound that had unknowingly weakened Khaine over time. Seizing this opportunity, Tehenhauin directed his strikes at the vulnerable spot illuminated by the divine light. The wound, a consequence of Foliar's heroic act centuries ago, played a pivotal role in turning the tide of the battle in Tehenhauin's favor.

   With a mighty roar, he countered Khaine's assault, parrying his strikes with raw, brute force. In a decisive moment, Tehenhauin delivered a crushing blow that shattered Khaine's defenses. The dark elven king, weakened by his old wound was now at the mercy of the lizard and with a mighty blow, Tehenhauin to slayed Khaine, bringing an end to his reign of oppression and brutality. The revelation of the wound's influence in the battle not only provided Tehenhauin with an advantage but also symbolized the lasting impact of Foliar's selfless act.

Murderous Rebirth

  The aftermath of the Great God War left a world in turmoil, with gods and mortals alike grappling with the consequences of the cataclysmic conflict. Amidst the chaos, Hecate- Goddess of Atrocities, sought to sow mayhem and suffering once more. In her dark machinations, she captured Minerva- Virgin Goddess, forcibly harnessing her powers to resurrect Khaine, the ancient king of the dark elves.

  As Khaine emerged from the shadowy veil of death, Hecate divulged the state of the dark elves to him. The once-mighty race had fallen into disarray, fractured and disunited since Khaine's defeat. They had struggled, always under the dominion of another power, never strong enough to claim their place in the world. Yet they remained fervent worshipers of Khaine, even after over 16,000 years. In their eyes, he had transcended mere kingship; he had ascended to godhood. And their faith was not unanswered as Khaine had truly become a god, he was once a king, but now he was the god of murder.

  Hecate, reveling in the prospect of atrocities, offered her services to Khaine. She knew that he, as the god of murder, could bring about the bloodshed and chaos that she so craved. Accepting her assistance, Khaine first turned his attention to the fractured remnants of his kin. To his dismay, he found them to be but a shadow of the dark elves during his reign. They were weak, docile, and pitiful. The murderous drive that once defined them had waned over the centuries.

  With swift and brutal efficiency, Khaine set about reviving the dark elves, instilling in them the relentless, bloodthirsty nature they had lost. The process was as ruthless as it was necessary. Khaine, the god of murder, couldn't afford to have a race of weak followers. By killing and the truest of cruelty, The dark elves were remade into the killing machines they once were, united under the banner of their ancient king.

  Having subjugated his kin, Khaine turned his attention to his legendary blade, the Sword of Khaine. A weapon once fueled by millennia of bloodshed, it pulsated with an unholy power. Khaine, now a god, sought his sword , its dark energies resonating with his divine essence. The Sword of Khaine, an artifact both feared and revered, became an extension of the god's will to taste the blood of all.

Khaine, having sensed the distant presence of his legendary blade, embarked on a relentless quest to reclaim the Sword of Khaine. After years of searching, he discovered it hidden within a land of ice, guarded by a formidable Dragon of frost. The god of murder, accompanied by his loyal knights, engaged in a fierce battle with the dragon. Khaine, fueled by malice and hatred, unleashed his divine powers upon the frosty beast. Khaine, adorned in divine armor and wielding a dark and ominous blade, advanced with an air of malevolence. His eyes gleamed with a sinister light, reflecting the dark intentions that fueled his every move. The dragon, a creature of immense power and ancient frost, roared, sending a chilling gust across the icy terrain. The first strike was swift and decisive. Khaine, with preternatural speed, lunged at the dragon, his blade gleaming in the cold light. The clash was thunderous, the resonance echoing through the frozen landscape. The dragon countered with powerful swipes of its claws and snaps of its frigid breath, attempting to repel the god's assault. Khaine's movements were a dance of death, a calculated and precise series of strikes that sought to exploit the dragon's vulnerabilities. Divine energies surged through his blade, each strike carrying with it the essence of murder and brutality. The dragon, resilient and formidable, retaliated with its own arsenal of icy attacks, seeking to freeze Khaine in his tracks. As the battle raged on, the icey battlefield became a battleground of elements. Khaine's dark powers clashed with the dragon's frigid might, creating a spectacle of darkness and ice. The dragon, wounded but far from defeated, roared defiantly, its breath crystallizing in the freezing air. Khaine, relentless in his pursuit, exploited a momentary lapse in the dragon's defenses. With a final, powerful strike, he pierced the dragon's icy hide, sending divine energies coursing through its colossal form. The dragon convulsed, its roars turning into echoes of defeat. The god of Murder stood triumphant, his blade stained with dragon blood and his dark aura radiating a victorious malevolence. The defeated dragon, its once-mighty form now still and lifeless, lay sprawled across the icy ground.

  The Sword of Khaine, encased in ice, awaited its master's touch. Khaine, with a burst of divine strength, shattered the frozen prison, revealing the sorry state of his once-mighty blade. This weapon, once bathed in the blood of three millennia, had lost its former radiance and power. It had remained dormant for over 16,000 years, untouched by the taste of blood, and now appeared no different than an ordinary bandit's blade. However, Khaine, in his divine wisdom, knew that his blade hungered for blood once more. Uttering Ancient Elven chants, he reassured the weapon of his return and vowed that it would feast upon the blood of not just mortals but gods themselves. In a symbolic act, Khaine sliced his own arm, offering the first taste of blood to his loyal blade. The ultimate sacrifice came as he slaughtered his knights, warriors who willingly embraced their fates to aid their god-king's mighty blade.

  Empowered by his renewed connection with the Sword of Khaine and his armies of dark elves at the ready, Khaine initiated his Great Conquest of Murder. For over three centuries, he cut a swath of brutality across the globe, leaving a trail of death and suffering in his wake. The more Khaine killed, the more potent his blade became, rendering him nearly invincible. As a Celestial God, Khaine towered above the weaker new deities and immortals, proving their feeble resistance futile.

    The culmination of his murderous spree drew the attention of The Three Goddesses, who recognized Khaine as a grave threat to the divine order. The confrontation between Khaine and the Three Goddesses was a cataclysmic clash that shook the very fabric of the divine realms. It was a battle that transcended mortal comprehension, as beings of immense power and cosmic influence clashed in a struggle for supremacy. The battle unfolded across realms unseen by mortal eyes, with Khaine's malevolent powers clashing against the combined might of the Three Goddesses. Stars trembled as the cosmic forces clashed, and galaxies quivered in the wake of their divine struggle. Each goddess brought forth her unique abilities in defense of the cosmic order. The celestial ballet continued, with Khaine persistently pressing against the goddesses' defenses. Despite their combined might, the trinity found themselves struggling against the overwhelming power of the god of Murder. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp and twist under the weight of their conflict. The battle reached its climax with a crescendo of cosmic energies. Khaine, at the zenith of his power, unleashed a torrent of dark forces that overwhelmed the goddesses' defenses. In a desperate move, the trinity chose to seal Khaine within his own blade, sacrificing a great deal of their power to prevent further havoc. The celestial battleground fell silent as the Sword of Khaine, now both prison and conduit for the god of Murder, glowed ominously with imprisoned malevolence.

Khaine the Dark Elf King
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Sealed within the Sword of Khaine
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bloody God
Lord of Murder
The Dark Elf King
The One True King
God-King of Dark Elves
The Murderer
The First Tyrant
Bloodstained Monarch
The Executioner
The Great Slaughter
Master of Bloodshed
The Shatterer(Rodinia and Vlunia)
Bane of Life
Currently Held Titles
19411 BC 8000 AC 27411 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Tehenhauin(first) and sealed in his sword(second)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Khaine Leading his mighty Dark Elf legions

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