Oros The Birth of the Succubus
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The Birth of the Succubus

Military action


Vala invades and corrupts, She makes the Cult of the Succubus

During the time of silence, Vala would took a different approach to furthering their cause. Instead of engaging in direct slaughter and conquest, Vala chose the path of corruption. She infiltrated the newly formed nations and began sowing seeds of corruption within their ranks.   Vala's influence was particularly potent in the creation of a new race known as the succubus. These beings were driven by the pursuit of pleasure and became the centerpiece of a secret society known as the Cult of the Succubus. Vala used this society to serve her own desires and manipulate others to her will.   The Cult of the Succubus operated in secrecy, spreading its influence and furthering Vala's corrupting agenda. Its members indulged in hedonistic pleasures and worked towards expanding Vala's power and control. Through manipulation and temptation, Vala amassed a devoted following within the cult, who would do anything to fulfill her desires and advance her goals.   The corruption brought about by Vala and her cult had far-reaching consequences, impacting the political, social, and moral fabric of the affected nations. Those who fell under Vala's sway became slaves to their own desires, forsaking their previous values and morals. The once noble and righteous were twisted into pawns serving Vala's insidious cause.   As the Cult of the Succubus continued to thrive, Vala's power grew, and her influence spread like a poisonous web across the fractured world. Her actions fueled the flames of chaos, weakening the forces of light and contributing to the overall decline and despair that plagued the realm during the time of silence.

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