Vala Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Queen of the Succubi

"You may resist my charms, but once you are in the captivating presence of our queen, you will forget the word celibacy, you will forgo your most sensible thoughts, you will suddenly find yourself within her thralls and after she has sapped you of all your worth, you will find your head displayed upon a pike within her chamber among the rest of you foolish men." -a loyal succubus of Vala

Vala, also known as the "Queen of Temptation", the "Voluptuous Conqueror", "the Bloody", "Invader of Dreams" and the "Wielder of Men" is one of the 9 Daemon Kings.

 Vala, a once complex and formidable Archon, became a pivotal figure in The Celestial War by choosing to align herself with Asophiel- Lord of Hell. She bares a ruthless nature and an unapologetic indulgence in desire. Vala's impact is profound, especially in her role as the queen of the Succubi, a race born out of her own influence and manipulation.

  The Succubus, crafted by Vala's corruptive touch, embodied the pursuit of pleasure and desire. As their queen, Vala wielded authority over them, turning them into instruments of her own agenda. Through her manipulative abilities, she twisted their hearts and minds, using them to serve the interests of Asophiel and further the chaos within the celestial war.

  Vala's personal satisfaction lies in the fulfillment of carnal and hedonistic pleasures. She revels in manipulating others, ensnaring them in her web of corruption. Her charm and devious tactics subvert the morals and principles of those she encounters, exploiting their weaknesses to advance her goals. Vala's ruthlessness and unyielding pursuit of desire contribute significantly to the overall turmoil of the celestial war.

Vala isn't only a great seducer but she is also extremely powerful in the ways of the arcane and an unmatched warrior. She not only seduces the warriors of the battlefield but cuts them down with thunderous strikes and vaporizes them with her supreme magic all at once.

Tenets of Faith

The followers of Vala are often the Succubi as she is there queen and greatest inspiration. The tenets of followers of Vala are as followed:
  • All pleasure, mind or body must be sought.
  • Sap the worth of all victims to quench your lust.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Men Cleaver, Defiler of Mortality

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vala's journey as an Archon was marked by a fervent and militant disposition, an approach that often brought her into conflict with the more mischievous and troublemaking members of her Celestial kin, such as Asmodeus  and Zaphkiel. In the crucible of The Celestial War, where the clash of ideologies and personalities was as intense as the battles fought, Vala sought solace and companionship with like-minded figures.

It was during these tumultuous times that she found a kindred spirit in Asophiel- Lord of Hell, whose ideals and perspectives resonated with hers. The camaraderie between Vala and Asophiel deepened as they navigated the challenges of the celestial war together.   However, Vala's militant and uptight nature began to take a toll on her well-being. Her aggressive demeanor, though effective in the heat of battle, earned her a reputation among allies for being excessively severe, even verging on the malevolent. The weight of her responsibilities and the toll of constant conflict led Vala to seek a way to calm her thoughts and find respite.   In her quest for tranquility, Vala explored various methods, but none proved effective until she stumbled upon an unconventional solution: lust. Contrary to the serene and righteous paths often tread by her celestial kin, Vala discovered a certain liberation and peace in embracing her desires.   This newfound aspect of her nature, however, conflicted with the moral standards upheld by the celestials. Lust was considered taboo among their kind, an aspect that further distanced Vala from her peers. In this internal struggle and societal conflict, Vala found herself drawn to the side of Asophiel, whose rebellion against the established order aligned with her newfound inclinations.   Thus, Vala's decision to side with Asophiel was not solely rooted in ideological alignment but also in a personal journey of self-discovery. As she embraced her desires and sought liberation from the shackles of rigidity, Vala found common cause with Asophiel's rebellion, solidifying her role as a formidable force in the celestial war.
Divine Classification
Daemon King
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Temptation
Mistress of Hedonistic Desires 
Queen of Corruption
Queen of the Succubi
Harbinger of Carnal Chaos
Grand Priestess of Debauchery
Blood-Soaked Queen
The Bloody
Supreme Matriarch of Seduction
Voluptuous Conqueror
Master Demon of the Arcane
The Welcomer
Invader of Dreams
Breaker of Wills 
Wielder of Men
Great Seducer
Seductress of All
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Long Flowing White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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