The Republic Supreme Court

Founded in may 2595 by the Republic Department of Justice following adoption of the new Republic Constitution, the Republic Supreme Court was a body that decided on legal challenges as per the Constitution.


in late 2594 A panel of seventeen legal experts curated a pool of 2,800 qualifying jurists who were entered into the draw for sortition in 2595. From this list, seven names were chosen. All of the jurists were legal professionals with a currently active Bar Association (or equivalent) membership. Anyone with a criminal conviction was automatically disqualified, as was anyone who had previously been disbarred for anything other than an administrative reason.   Any judges who were unwilling to serve were also removed from the list. The first seven were appointed in May of 2595, to serve until 2615.  


    The first seven judges where:  
  • Assoc Justice Marissa Byron --aged 60, from Mars. Judge, Martian Court of Appeals
  • Assoc Justice - Haseya Hawkins -aged 65, from Vanheim. Head of Law Faculty, Redfall College.
  • Assoc Justice Garrett Marsh -aged 45, from Van Diemen's World. Judge, Earth Court of Appeals
  • Assoc Justice Wendell MacMorris -aged 50, from Eden. Judge, Martian Court of Appeals.
  • Assoc Justice Neve Ledward -aged 60, from Nova Terra. Judge, Whitworth Court of Appeals
  • Assoc Justice Guthrie Pool -aged 55, from Stark. Law Lecturer, University of Chicago
  • Assoc Justice Dopinder Vaur -aged 45, from Earth. Judge, Earth Court of Appeals
  According to most legal scholars, the court was initially divided into three conservatives and four liberals at the time of it's formation.
Founding Date
May 2595
Parent Organization


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