
The Keldi are considered royalty to the Durgol. They are descended from the first Durgol King and his children. They draw a direct line to the most famous Durgol ruler, Naladurak I. They are less numerous than either of the other two Durgol ethnicities and are largely isolated to the areas around Brun Legak on the north western hills of the Nord High Peaks and inhabit the main Durgol Krundak, Krundak Baelegar.   The other Durgol cultures honor the Keldi and give deference to them at all times. Humans find this odd, because if the same tradition arose in human cultures, undoubtedly strife would ensue and an ongoing power struggle would erupt. The Durgol just accept it for what it is and the great majority of the Keldi do not abuse this power or influence. The Keldi are also often brought in as third party mediators and judges in other Durgol disputes and feuds.
Encompassed species