Sărac Woods
These are the light forests that form the southern boundary where the land meets the Wavecrash Ocean. The forest is full of Peschneg caravans and small Carpic settlements dot the area. It is relatively easy to get lost as there are no formal paths or roads here save for one cutting straight through the middle. The many Peschneg caravans here prowl the area as well posing as friendly settlements and then robbing foreigners blind and sending them on their way.
Unlike the majority of the forests in Cardovia, the Sărac Woods are not dense and choking. Light shines through the canopy on sunny days, which there are few of in Cardovia. There are thousands of deer trails and caravan paths in these woods.
Natural Resources
Bountiful game and medicinal herbs.
"You look lost traveler. Luck would have it, that my people have posted their caravans for the night not far from here. I offer you rest and good food. All I ask for in return is good company."
Jonas Belzic, Peschneg Brigand
Owning Organization