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Arthur Maliceson

Arthur Warbrooke

One day in Arthurs home town of Glyss a lady named Lilian came to visit the town, she looked young and full of life and just wanted to stay a while and see what Glyss had to offer. During her stay she made good use of the hot springs that the town is well known for in Thoosa, from the spring in the distance she saw a young boy with striking white hair preforming magic. Lilian was amazed by the skill Arthur showed with his magic that she became obsessed with the young boy.   Two days after Lilian arriving in Glyss there was a celebration going on called "Liberation Day". Arthur was standing by the side of his parents as his father Royce gave a speech to the townsfolk. This is when Lilian shed her illusionary form to reveal she is a Night Hag and threatened to put a curse on the town, she demanded the boy Arthur as payment.   His father Royce and mother Charlotte gave up their child without much thought, this was an act that hurt Arthur more then being taken by Lilian.   Arthur was taken to the Ebon Glades where Lilian lived and did her rituals and made her ungodly concoctions. She raised Arthur as her own child to see how far his Arcane prowess would go, for the stronger he would become to better this would turn out for her plans. After years the Night Hags influence alter his magic to become twisted and caused Arthur to be plagued by a shadow demon that calls himself Xhastra.   On the day that Lilian tried to go through with her plan to use Arthur in her ritual a man appeared, Lucius Kilmoren was his name. A Witch Hunter sent by the Church of Somnus to slay the hag of the Ebon Glade. After he finished with Lilian he took Arthur with him back to Caelum.   Arthur was dropped off at an orphanage called the Kindred Souls Home in the capital of Somnus. During his stay at the orphanage he sneaked in to the Rosemore Academy on a daily basis to learn as much as he could in the fields that interested him the most, Necromancy, Enchantments and Evocations. He got close to a professor called Heinrik, he knew that Arthur was not enlisted in the academy but saw his potential.   In the late hours of the nights he would read a book that he kept with him called The Book of Maelitara, this book is filled with stories of a far of land and the heroes with in it. He must have read this book hundreds of times and thanks to this book his desire to become a hero grew larger with every page turn.   This went on for years until he hit the age of sixteen, he left the Kindred Souls Home and left Somnus all together. Becoming the greatest hero the world has ever seen is now his driving force as he heads out into the chaotic lands of Ortheos.   Arthur Warbrook   FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE

Personality Characteristics


He wishes to become the greatest hero of all time.


Arthur Maliceson


Towards Charlotte Warbrooke


Charlotte Warbrooke


Towards Arthur Maliceson


Arthur Maliceson

Adoptive Son

Towards Lilian Malice


Lilian Malice

Adoptive Mother

Towards Arthur Maliceson


Date of Birth
21st of June
Year of Birth
478 AC 22 Years old
Parents (Adopting)

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