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Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to take advantage of desirable geographical features, like a strategic choke point, or an ideal high-ground posting. As the location proved itself, it grew which, in turn, created a stronger hold, and so on.  
Old. The capital has been around for 300 to 1000 years.  
Managed.The capital’s fundamental elements are all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is responsible is doing an admirable job.  
General Condition
Impressive. The capital is well taken care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.  

Notable Visitors

Military Commander. the Archduke of the The Heralds of Calamity is in the city to attend An Important Meeting.   Escaped Prisoner. An outsider of the domain, he was held captive in Castle Illithyr but managed to escape.   Sentient Large Monster. On the Hunt. They are in pursuit of someone or something


Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25% secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.  
Population Wealth
Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they need to live comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are very prosperous.  
Population Density
Dense. There is a large amount of people living in the capital. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more.  
Art & Beauty. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in the appreciation of the world and its beauty, exploring it through creative pursuits  
Pursuit of Culture
Obsession. Interest is pervasive, and talk of the culture seeps into regular conversation frequently. The pursuit of culture tends to dominate many aspects of daily life.  
Night Activity
Lively. There is little difference between day and night traffic. There are always people on the streets, and it may seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain open constantly. If the capital has a gate, it remains open and is only closed under the most dire of circumstances.


Hereditary.A non-elected leader is in power, by virtue of their bloodline. Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain.  
Leadership Unity
United. The bond between those in power is pretty ironclad. They are all of one mind, wholly and equally committed to one vision.   It's Euphemias domain of dread, the citizens adore her ruler, no matter how cruel she is.  
Governing Priority
Control. Absolute control is of utmost importance. All decisions are made with the aim of maintaining an iron grip on the capital and its people.  
Priority Approach
Aggressive (Strong). A defensive stance is taken, assuming and preparing for conflict at all times. Negotiation is considered only if the offer is extremely appealing. More often than not, the preference is to use ultimatums or physical force.  
Priority Success
Incredibly Successful. The leadership has gone above and beyond in pursuit of its priority, achieving more than it ever thought possible.  


Type of Nobility
Blood. Title and status are hereditary, passed down by birth or through marriage. Positions were likely originally awarded to the ancestors of current nobility by a powerful individual, perhaps to reward or purchase loyalty.  
Primary Nobles
Seven noble houses keep the districts in check.  
Relationship to the Leadership
Support. The nobility support what the leadership is doing, and generally agree with their goals and priorities.  
Relationship with the People
Good. Relations are generally friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or tip of the hat is typical. (root of relationship to the people: positive)


Heavily Fortified. The capital is surrounded by a heavy wall of wood or stone with several watchtowers built along its length. The gate is double-thickness and reinforced with metal bands. There are additional watchtowers built at various points throughout the surrounding countryside.  


Recruitment Type
Conscripted. Troops are levied from regions owing fealty to the capital. This type of conscription is typically for a specific purpose which, once fulfilled, disbands, so troops can return to their homelands.  
Size of Force
Grand. The force’s size is considerable. As massing these kinds of numbers is uncommon, it would likely have a numerical advantage in the field.  
Magical. A section of the military force is made up of magic-users, or arcane specialists are placed in every squad.  
Law Enforcement
Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen regularly.  
Military Facilities
Robust Structures Inside the Capital. This encompasses extremely well-equipped and outfitted barracks facilities, and quarters for officers. Training grounds are expansive and contain anything that could be required for high-level military training. All is protected by heavy walls.  
Law Enforcement
Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen regularly.


Market Square
Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.  
Vendor Stall Acquisition
Sponsored Referral Only - Fee. A stall may only be acquired once the vendor pays a fee, and the vendor is sponsored by a citizen of the capital. The sponsor assumes responsibility for the vendor. The space is granted once payment and proof of sponsorship is submitted and approved.  
Merchant Overflow
Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.  
Underground Passages
Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, and trenches lies beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They may pre-date the current capital city.   Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist beneath the capital. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have been purpose-built for the current settlement. They could potentially have been dug by enemy forces, either recently or long ago.

Guilds and Factions


Intrigue & Espionage

Spy Network Size
Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen spies working outside its borders.  
Infiltration Depth
Deep.   Goals: Ingratiating selves with individual targets, monitoring and noting relationships and actively guarded information.   Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity, imprisonment/ransom or attempts to turn operative   National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about discovered spy’s efforts, difficult negotiations  
Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen operatives working within its borders.  
Counterintelligence Wachfulness
Wary. Efforts are diligent and concerted, though not taken to extreme. Moderate efforts at secrecy are often caught and dealt with.


Visitor Traffic
Groups. There are generally a fair amount of visitors to the capital. May slightly increase congestion.  
Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.



Administration. This district has a focus on government and civil matters   District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by a gate with guards.  
  1. Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to have a bath and a decent meal.
  • Archives/Library.
  • Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing.
  • Alchemist.
  • Amphitheater.
  Arcane. This district has a focus on magical matters.  
  • General Store.
  • Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and prophecy - sayers of sooth!
  • Tavern. Provides food and drink.
  • Academy.
  • Magic Shop; Jewelry.
  Upper Class. This district is an area where those with greater means might live.   District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by a gate with guards.  
  • Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to have a bath and a decent meal.
  • Talor.
  • Weaver.
  • House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or relaxation
  • Highend General Store.
  Industrial. This district has a focus on large-scale production facilities.  
  • Carpenter.
  • Smithy.
  • Wainwright. (Wagon Maker)
  • Gathering Hall.
  • Tavern. Provides food and drink.
  District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has a token guard presence.   Market. This district has a focus on the sale of practical goods.  
  • Bank & Exchange.
  • Tavern. Provides food and drink.
  • Stable.
  • Hired Help; Caravans & Mounts. Specialists in transportation and journeys to various locations as well as expedition organization and management.
  Temple. This district has a focus on religion and/or spiritual enlightenment.  
  • Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing.
  • Rare Botanicals.
  • Doctor/Aphothecary. Provides medical care.
  • Hire Help; Priestly Guidance. Sages offering counsel in all matters of religion and the divine.


Valley. The capital is found within, or on the edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape around it.  
Outside the Capital
Event Grounds. Tended grounds for games, duels, ceremonies, or other events.   Training Grounds. Land was set aside for the training of large groups of people. If the capital has its own military force, they may use this. It could also be under the leadership of a mercenary company.


  • Myr'Illith
Founding Date
512 BD
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank

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