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Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain

Written by SvenSnider

Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain

The life of Euphemia

She was born a Tiefling to two human royal parents. This caused her to be cast aside and be neglected by her flesh and blood. Her childhood was difficult because her parents did not recognize her as their daughter, and she was allowed to stay in the castle because her parents wanted to appear to have a happy family. She was constantly beaten and mistreated.   As she grew older, even her eldest brother started to turn her the cold shoulder, but she found love and support in her sister, Alessandra. Euphemia grew closer to her sister over the years and cared more for her than anyone else in her family. She told Alessandra everything.
Her sister, Allesandra Rosalind Mordain, became the center of Euphemia's world. She looked up to her older sister to the point of obsession. Copying her way of speech to dressing in the same fashion.
She showed real promise in the Arcane Arts and started practicing in private, for the use of magic was frowned upon in Myr'Illith. One day, a war broke out and Euphemia's father saw this as an opportunity to get rid of his devilish daughter, and he sent her to the frontlines to fight. The war was fought and won and Euphemia lived, but now suffers from terrible nightmares in which she relieves the experience.

Happiness and Tragedy

As she turned age, she eventually found a man that she fell in love with. His name is Nicolai Dawnheim. He saw her for what she truly was, a beautiful and kind woman. It did not take long for them to get married and wedding bells to ring through the city streets.
Euphemia takes the phrase "love is blinding" to its logical conclusion. If someone shows her love, she will do anything for them, no matter what and no matter who she hurts in the process.
Then tragedy struck years later and claimed the life of her husband, leaving her alone and afraid. Struck with intense grief, she began to practice Necromancy in the hopes of resurrecting her beloved, Nicolai. But everything she tried failed, no matter how good she got at using magic.

The Immortal Cabal

As the years went by, she was approached by a cult that would promise her immortality for her help in the war against the angels of Mount Celestia. Seeking acceptance wherever she went, she joined the cult and quickly rose through the ranks as a powerful sorceress. This allowed her to easily combat the angels. Members of the cult could remain immortal by harvesting angel blood, but Euphemia desired more than just immortality; she desired knowledge of the arcane and the ability to alter reality. She wished to alter the state of the world to a reality where she was accepted and loved by her family. But in her search for this knowledge, she became more twisted by the constant consuming the blood of angels and eventually started capturing, experimenting and using rituals on the angels. Through these rituals, she converted the angels in captivity to Erinyes's, causing them to regard her as their new master.   When the cult caught wind of her experiments, they lashed out at her, for angles should be drained of their blood so they could stay immortal. She defended herself and slaughtered the highest rank of the cabal and became the leader of the cult. As the new head of the cult, she allowed those who wished to remain immortal to do so on their own volition, but she would continue her experiments on creature alterations and eventually on time alterations.

The Pact

She caught the attention of a Archdevil from the Nine Hells named, Nagrath. He played on her flaw and made Euphemia fall in love with him so he could get her to work for him willingly and faithfully. They made a pact. She would get power beyond her wildest dreams to continue her experiments, she would become immortal and be allowed to rule Thyr'nas in perpetuity. In exchange, she would be tasked with discovering a way to free the The Dormant Calamity that lurks beneath Mount Celestia.
Nagrath was tasked by, Lord Cerus to get Euphemia to unleash the The Dormant Calamity, Thrasos as an distraction for him to steal the Altar he needs at the top of Mount Celestia.
With her new found love, she set out to find a way to break the chains that hold this unimaginable titan that lies dormant beneath the home of the angels. She would also set out to dethrone her father from his seat of power and rise as the one true ruler of Thyr'nas.

The Dark Powers

She killed whoever got in her way as she went to take the throne. The majority of the standing army was soon wiped out by her magic and the streets drowned in blood. Her older brother Felix Gabriel Mordain stopped her at the castle gates, but her hatred for her family was blinding and, without a second taught, she struck down her own brother, leaving him to die alone knowing his little sister caused his demise. In the throne room, she mercilessly killed her father and mother and claimed the throne and pronounced herself as Empress of Thyr'nas. She let her sister Alessandra Rosalind Mordain live because she loves her too much to hurt her. This is when The Dark Powers took notice of the soon to be Darklord, and shaped a realm to suit her needs, to feed on her emotions in the new Domain of Dread called Thyr'Nas.
After becoming the Darklord she continued to alter creatures into monstrosities, each more hideous or more powerful than the ones before it. And with her new husband, she was dead set to find a way to release the horror below Mount Celestia.

Mental characteristics


She is a self taught sorceress, she showed real promise due to her infernal heritage. She also had the fortune of a high form of education that came with being a princess.

Mental Trauma

The war in which she was forced to fight left an everlasting mark, she will forever relive the nightmare of the war.   Losing her first husband and the intense grief of losing her one true love left her as an emotional wreck.

Personality Characteristics


The more souls she sends to the Nine Hells, the more powers she gains from the Archdevil with whom she made a pact. She will not stop harvesting souls until she gains enough power to kill the Archdevil and turn her husband back to human form.

Likes & Dislikes

She would do anything for the one she loves, in return she despises people that that love for granted.

Vices & Personality flaws

When someone loves her, she will do anything for them, no matter whom she hurts.


Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain

younger sister

Towards Alessandra Rosalind Mordain


Alessandra Rosalind Mordain

older sister

Towards Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain


Nicknames & Petnames


Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain

younger sister

Towards Felix Gabriel Mordain


Felix Gabriel Mordain

older brother

Towards Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain


Nicknames & Petnames


Nicolai Dawnheim


Towards Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain


Empress Euphemia Cecilia Mordain


Towards Nicolai Dawnheim


Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
786 BC 1286 Years old
Castle Illithyr
Nicolai Dawnheim (husband)
Felix Gabriel Mordain (older brother)
Current Residence
Castle Illithyr
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She speaks, common, infernal, abyssal and elvish.
Ruled Locations

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