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Thyr'nas ("Thuur-nas") is a Domain of Dread that is ruled over by Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain.   People believe that the chosen are summoned to Castle Illithyr to have their souls transferred to the gods. Every strange occurrence in the Domain of Thyr'nas can be explained by them as mundane and trivial. For them, this is all normal.
Example; A river that runs red with blood will be believed to be a river that is pushing red clay from a nearby mountain.
  Thyr'nas is surrounded by a fog called The Mist. When people enter the mist they can catch glimpses of Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain past in the Mist, from before the hold of the Dark Powers. And the sounds of angels crying and being tortured can be heard faintly in the Mist. This can only be seen or heared by outsiders.   The Mist at the border always stays at the border, but the mist in the main land is attracted to outsiders, trying to envelop them when it can.   The Mist also appears around the forests, The Dead Waste, Castle Illithyr and everywhere else there are outsiders.   The Mist is used by Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain to capture adventurers in her domain.
The souls of outsiders are 100 times more potent then the souls of the damned that are native to Thyr'nas.


The people of Thyr'Nas fear change, everything is as it is, and should stay that way.   Magic is considered taboo, only bad things can happen from using magic. The only person allowed to use magic is Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain for she need to send the souls of The Chosen to the gods.    In Thyr'Nas fresh water is scares, the frozen wastes don't allow for a lot of running water. They cut chunks of ice out of various rivers, lakes and even the seas to turn into usable water.    They tend to be live and let live but on occasion when confronted with magic users they can lash out.   Outsiders are few and far between and are treated with apprehension, anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.   The inhabitants never seek change from their current problems, They don't see anything as a treat or problem, everything is as it has always been and should never change. Why fix what is not broken?   They love Empress Euphemia Cecilia Ardain beloved by all, even knowing of the soul snatching. They believe that souls are being sent to the gods and the people chosen for rituals/ceremonies are the chosen ones.


  • Thyr'nas
    Domain of Dread
Geopolitical, Province
Leader Title

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