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Session 003: Tinkering with Goblins

General Summary

Lucendas, the 5th of Lunitas, 3501 A.L. - About 02:00 PM:
The party completed their short rest and then planned to follow Shovel down the corridor.   After traversing a short way, they came to a gap in the upper level where the stream ran below. A crude rope and log bridge hung across the span, having been cut.   The party tied a rope to Gus Rando's waist and he jumped the span, tying the rope to an anchor in the rock.   Naxiris then crossed next, carrying the torch and illuminating four goblins and Shovel stationed on the other side of a crude barricade erected at the end of the corridor. Naxiris threw her torch on the barricade, catching it on fire. She then tried to throw a javelin at one of the goblins but failed.   Hayden Hotness and Fiera crossed next, with Sayran hesitating on the far side. Gus wrapped his whip around the barricade and begin to full it down, damaging it further.   Shovel then threw a javelin at the party, but mis-threw and impaled a goblin standing near the barricade, causing him to fall into the barricade, collapsing it further. The party charged forward, with Haden engaging one goblin and Naxiris and Gus charging at Shovel. Fiera and Sayran hung back. Shovel knocked Naxiris unconscious again, but Fiera again used Channel Divinity to revive her. The party then proceeded to kill Shovel and one of the goblin minions, with two more fleeing away.   At that point, the party's attention was drawn to a chamber to the right where they could see movement up some stone steps. Haden rushed in and saw a crude table covered in old blood and arrayed with human skulls. A large, bloody axe stood upright at the head of the table. A flash of light on the other side of the table caught Haden's attention and distracted him from Klarg, a large bugbear charging from around the corner. Klarg stuck Haden hard across the face with a crude club.   Gus charged in in a rage and swung up into Klarg's jaw. Haden stabbed forward and into Klarg's junk. Naxiris then charged in and slashed brutally across Klarg's abdomen, slicing him open.   Suddenly a magical darkness erupted around the party and they heard feet scampering around them. Gus swung hard on instinct and knocked the goblin shaman hard across the chamber. He landed on his neck, breaking it and killing him.   At the same time another goblin bolted from the darkness to flee past and Sayran. Sayran wounded him with an arrow to the nipple, but he escaped.   Haden then moved forward and found a crude wooden cage around a corner in the back of the cavern. Inside was Nera, rattled, but unharmed.   Gus came forward and ripped the crude sticks comprising the cage apart and let Nera out. He also then began eyeing the large, impressive axe standing in the room.   Fiera, Sayran, and Naxiris searched the body of the bugbear and shaman. The shaman had a gnarly wooden stick as a staff, which Fiera took. He also had a small pouch containing three clothes wrapped around and tied around what felt to be sand. Naxiris opened one and disappeared with one of the Dust of Disappearance. Fiera reached for her, touching her. Fiera then used another dose of dust, rendering them both invisible to everyone. They reappeared a few moments later. Sayran confiscated the last dose, and another, seemingly empty bag.   Gus took the axe from its stand.   The party made their way to the mouth of the cave. They opted to set the wolf free, since no one would be around to care for it. Haden picked the lock of the cage and set it free. The wolf studied them wearily, but closely. The wolf left without incident.   The party exited the cave to dark outside. outside. They made a campfire and opted to camp for the night.   Nera agreed to take first watch, being too rattled to sleep. The watch was uneventful. Haden took second watch with no events. Naxiris took third watch with no events.   Fiera took fourth watch and sensed something watching them from just beyond the firelight. She investigated but found only a single, golden feather of a canary.   Most of the party dreamt that night. Naxiris and Fiera had dreams similar to those they previously had, though Naxiris' were more vivid than before.  
Gus dreamt violent, brutal dreams of himself beating an unarmed, kneeling man bloody and half to death. This was a dark memory drawn and enhanced as he bonded and attuned to the cursed Berserker Axe.
Sayran dreamt of the large, silver egg, hidden in the rocky outcrop in the forest. He saw it stir and begin to crack.   The party reached Level 3.   Ventaum, the 6th of Lunitas, 3501 A.L. - Dawn:
The remaining party awoke at dawn. They agreed to set out and return to the village after some debate.   The party trekked through the woods, led by Sayran. After reaching the edge of the wood, with the village wall in sight, Sayran parted from the rest, excusing himself to hunt and secure game as an excuse for his extended absence.   Fiera escorted Nera to the village gates while Gus, Haden, and Naxiris crept around the wall to the gap they had snuck out of.   Sayran hurried to the location in the forest where the egg was hidden. He reached it as it lay shining in the sun light. After a moment of watching, the egg began to quiver and shake. It started to crack and fracture. Finally, a portion of the shell pushed out by a large, shining snout.   As Sayran watched, a small, baby silver came spilling out of the egg in front of him.   Sayran promptly fainted.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Shovel
  • Klarg
  • Nera
  • Syradril
  • Cave of Clan Tink Tink Base Map Image
    Report Date
    06 Dec 2021

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