Battle of the Blood Moon
In the fifty fourth year of Ajax's reign over Andrim; Packmother Zidane and her gnoll forces led and assault on Castle Rend under the cover of the blood moon; in which Count Auberdine "Dean" Callisto and his forces defended the castle from both gnoll and demon alike, for the night before the assault Zidane scarified a group of human men taken from the castle grounds to summon a deadly molydeus demon, a servant of the demon lord Barralthrone.
The Molydeus was met in battle by the combined forces of the count, including his companions Oden "Dok" Suv , Noelle de Leon Mora Tel Mithryn and their allies, Amon Keshal and Giovanni Swiftshell
The demon forces as well as the Molydeus was defeated, but the day was marred in tragedy as well as victory, Sir Razalax The Bold sacrified himself to save Ser Brandon Pellick from the fate of being consumed by the Nabassu, another powerful demon summoned from the depths to assault castle rend by air. Skoros Ameli was able to save many of the fighters who fell throughout the day, including pulling Pellick himself from the battle against the Nabassu. Barnabus Fray was lost when he entered the battle to attempt to heal the injured.
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