
Changelings are commonly believed to be shape-shifters brought to this plane by fey, or something eldritch or malevolent. However, that is not the case.
Changelings are the children of witches, brought up in their occult covens in the wilds or hidden deep within the nooks and crannies of a city. Innately gifted in magic, these offspring of either two witches or a witch and his or her patron are said to have the potential to be some of the most powerful casters on the planet. It is for this reason that through the decades they were hunted for their magic, or their parts.
Protected these days heavily by their covens, it is very rare that Changelings venture out into the world. Distinct for the streaks of white in their hair and their oddly colored eyes, Changelings can also have a variety of other small features depending on the type of magic they most attune to, or if they are Patron-born.
Changelings are most commonly women, though male Changelings are not incredibly rare.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Changelings are completely sterile, unable to reproduce on their own. Many of them who want children end up making deals with their covens patrons for them, and end up with another Changeling child.

Growth Rate & Stages

Changelings look young their entire lives, a product of the intense magic that flows within them. They quickly launch past childhood into a short adolescence, and then into adulthood where they remain.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Changelings wield magic the likes of which very few races can, rivaled only by High Elves naturally. Changelings often use their magic to accent their own bodies, and have been known to push their magic so far that it begins to permanently manifest in ways on their bodies.
Minimum 15 years, maximum Unknown
Average Height
Minimum 5 ft. 4 in., maximum 5 ft. 11 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 95 lbs, maximum 210 lbs.


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