High Elves

A rare subrace of the Elves, High Elves are the far more frail, but much more magically adept of the elves. Identifiable from their distinct dark olive to pale white colored skin, more upright ears, and the flecks of silver in their eyes, no matter the base color.
When Elves as a whole retreated from society (for the most part) after the Ancestor War, it was to the High Elven cities that they fled. No one knows the exact location of these cities but the Elves that have been there.
The High Elves do not hold themselves above the others (Elves and the Wild Elves), but they see it as their responsibility to take the burden of leadership, so that that others may take their own.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

High Elves are produced two ways - from two High Elven parents, who are only fertile twice in their lives, or as an incredibly rare mutation of genes in a normal Elven baby.

Growth Rate & Stages

High Elves spend a very long time in each stage of their life, though childhood is the longest. They mature very slowly, taking in all the knowledge and information that they can during this time. Once they are mature, they remain adults for centuries before being close to middle aged. It is said that no one but another High Elf has seen their Elderly.

Ecology and Habitats

High Elves prefer their crystal and wood palaces and cities in the wilderness, far from the turmoils of human civilization, and where they can lead their people and study in peace.

Dietary Needs and Habits

High Elves often find magical ways to avoid eating, but when they do need to it tends to be one of two extremes - the most nutritious and quick thing they can come up with, or luxurious and expensive.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

High Elves are far more skilled at the arcane and divine magical arts than their counterparts, which is saying something. Many of these elusive creatures spend many of their long years studying these arts to perfect them.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

It is fairly common for an individual to use magic to change their gender in High Elf society, or present as Genderfluid or somewhere on the Agender spectrum. It is accepted and expected in their society that there are not simply 2 genders, but instead a wide and colorful collection of many.
Minimum 360 years, Maximum Unknown
Average Height
Minimum 5 ft. 7 in., Maximum 6 ft. 8 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 85 lbs., maximum 112 lbs.


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