
These small, rodent look-a-likes are common in urban areas. Especially after the end of the war, Mouselings began to burrow down under the cities and towns, making their homes in the earth where they are more comfortable, and deem it safer.
Dressed in scraps and rags of the cities above, Mouselings make humble lives below. They steal what they lack, and take pride in their little communities and gardens in the earth.

Basic Information


Mouselings are small, furry creatures with the trappings of a mouse - large ears, a flexible tail, and small dexterous paws with which to handle things delicately...or slip a thing or two out of pockets.

Genetics and Reproduction

Mouselings reproduce very fast, fertile constantly and giving birth in about a month to multiples of children. As such their families are very big, and most Mouselings seem to be related.

Growth Rate & Stages

Mouselings have an incredibly short adolescent period, moving very quickly from child to adult. They spend most of their life as adults, and then grow into their short elderly span. When old, their fur greys or whitens, as do their whiskers. They lose their eyesight commonly, and move much slower.

Ecology and Habitats

Mouselings prefer warmer climates, and the underground specifically. After the war they stopped burrowing quite so far past city and town limits, especially with walls starting to be built.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mouselings are vegetarian by necessity - too much meat will make them ill, and tends to make them very mean. Instead they prefer fresh fruits and vegetables wherever they can find them. This has made them very good foragers, especially after the war.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mouselings can hear and see much better than some of the larger creatures, especially with their homes being underground. Their whiskers help them to sense vibrations in the air and soil where appropriate, to keep them safe.
Minimum 10 years, maximum 45 years.
Average Height
Minimum 2ft. 2 in, maximum 2 ft 9 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 45 lbs, maximum 100 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mouselings range in color from a faun brown to a darker black, often with stripes or splotches on their coats. These markings tend to run in families, and often children will have a combination of their parents marks.


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