

Orcs are typically tribal in their chosen communities, found in the colder northern areas. They are not savage and do not kill without reason, but they are fiercely defensive of their territory and protective of their kith and kin. Tribes often go to war over a prime spot of territory, hard to find in the now very harsh wilderness. 
Half orcs are rare not because of any bad feelings between the races necessarily, but because orcish culture is so far and away different from the rest. Diverse and unique, the orcs manage to carve out more than just getting by in the wilderness as it grows ever more dangerous.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs gestate incredibly quickly once they become pregnant, only carrying the child for 4 or so months before delivery. The mother is able to be very active during this time, continuing to assist in tribal affairs until the last few days of her pregnancy.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs grow very quickly, mature by the comparably young age of 15. Their childhood and adolescent stages are very short, and if they are lucky enough to see their elderly stage that too is quick. Their longest point in life is adulthood.

Additional Information

Social Structure

If a non-orcish man impregnates an orcish woman, he is expected to stay with the tribe and help to fend for her while she is indisposed (though this is more a shared burden, because she will continue to do things well into the pregnancy).
Likewise if a non-orcish woman is impregnated by an orcish man, she will be welcomed into the tribe and expected to stay (though orcish men tend to dote a bit more on the women of the 'weaker' races, encouraging them to sit down and eat more, etc).
Any non-orcs that are not mated within the tribes are below married-to-orcs non-orcs in the tribe. Single orcs are below orcs that are married. Married orcs are below those orcs with children. Those who have earned their place in battle are the most well looked upon, and are as high up in the tribe as the very rare elderly. Half-orcs who remain in their tribes may in fact gain social standing just as any full blooded orc, but it is harder for them given the feats of strength and prowess required.

Facial characteristics

Orcs have tusks, which their half orc children inherit. They also tend to have strong chins and smaller eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs tend to favor the forests to the north of the continent, avoiding major trade routes that existed during the war, as well as conflict/battlegrounds.
Minimum 20 years, maximum 80 years.
Average Height
Minimum 4 ft. 11 in, maximum 7 ft. 1 in.
Average Weight
Minimum 134 lbs, maximum 328 lbs.
Average Physique
Orcs tend to be muscle-bound and athletic, very physically adept to handle their surroundings.


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