Caer, Honorable Servant of Corellon Character in Osnein | World Anvil
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Caer, Honorable Servant of Corellon

Caer was a devout follower of Corellon. It was said the strength of his oath to the Elven god made him one of the most powerful Paladins in history. Caer's undying faith piqued the attention of Corellon himself who spoke to him at times during his meditation. Caer was well respected in his prime as many viewed his oath as unwaivering.   Caer believed those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it, and sometimes his fear that the elves of Imas would fall like those on the main continent clouded his judgement. Caer snubbed his nose at how the high elves from the old world had fallen and believed communication with the old world would be the rebirth of elven conflict in Imas.   Caer was a founding member of the revival of the Elven Court in Imas. When deciding on the nation's capital, Caer, believing best to leave the past behind argued in favor of the land north next to prosperous lake that connects the northern rivers for continental trade routes. Caer lost the vote for capital and king, leaving him bitter and starting an unspoken rivalry with Corelle. Caer presumed Corelle gain favor of the court due to her direct linage with Corellon himself with elegant golden hair and striking emerald eyes like the God himself. Caer believed himself to be closer to Corellon than Corlle who he deemed disconnected from her lineage.    Many north of Imas viewed Corelle's naming of the lake by the City of Caer as a backhanded insult to Caer's bitter defeat. This act unintentially drove many notherners to believe Caer was wrongly overlooked by the Elven Court. Caer continued his honorable placement on the court although he tended to treat the north in higher regard than the south.    During the 6th Crown War, Corellon fought on the frontlines against the dark elves, becoming the temporary general of the elven guard. This forced him to leave his city for an extended time and relocate to the capital. Elven court records show that Caer and Corelle realy spoke directly to one another despite being forced to close contact.    When Corelle was assassinated near the end of the war, many believed Caer was behind the misdeed but none dared accuse the high general. With many others believing Caer's intuitivity for battle planning an intergral part to their victory, Caer is easily appointed the new king of Imas. Knowing tensions already high, Caer carefully keeps the City of Corelle as the capital despite moving the Elven Court meeting grounds to the city of Caer.   Caer's personality shifted after the 6th Crown War. His joyous and strong personality grew colder during his feud with Corelle, but after the war, he became more reclused. He never picked up his sword again and many noticed what was said to be a 'dark emptiness' in his eyes.    Caer fathered five children during his life, but only his eldest daughter took the thrown after him.   Those descended from his blood go by 'the House of Caerborn.'
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