Caershire Settlement in Osnein | World Anvil
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“In the heart of ancient woods, where silver streams entwine,
A city rises, radiant, where the elves in splendor shine.
Crafted by hands, both mortal and divine,
For Corellon's grace, in every stone, does Caer twine.”
- Ludwig the Boisterous, 455 DR
Founded by its namesake, The city of Caershire is the capital of Osnein and was the capital of Osnein’s predecessor, Imas. Caershire is the home of both the Elven Court and the Elven Guard.  

History of The City of Caer

The land holding Caer was composed of beautiful forests and green fields. The lake was the most beautiful blue and the sunlight washed over the water in hues of gold. Caer believed the land to be the embodiment of Corellon and campaigned for Imas to build its capital on the land. However, Caer lost the vote, but he still implemented the construction of an Elven City which he named the City of Caer.   The city saw rapid expansion as it was considered a safe haven for many did not like the little protection smaller villages had to offer. Many set up shop, trade, and home within the city walls.   After the fall of Corelle, Caer overtook control of Imas. He did not officially relocate the capital to the City of Caer, but the city acted as a puppet capital of sorts. The Elven Court and Guard was hosted in the city. After Corelle’s death, the City of Caer grew rapidly and the walls had to be reconstructed further east. A grand silver castle was build in the inner city which held the Elven Court and became the home to the current rulers of the country.  

Becoming Caershire

Queen Aleesia renamed the city Caershire to help differentiate the history of the great elven paladin and his blood, Caer, and the city itself. This was also a part in her expansion plan of the city in the wake of the Spellplague. As the city was rebuilt and renovated, she implemented extravagant and elegant structures and ornate buildings to be constructed in the inner city. Queen Aleesia believed strongly in appearances and wanted Caershire to uphold the values of the elven empire itself.   During Queen Aleesia’s reign, she stomped a heavy foot on crime, and many crime syndicates thought it better to enact outside the city gates. However, this caused tension with the nonelven population of Caershire who tended to live in the outer parts of the city.  

Modern Time

Caershire is a city with everything to offer. From weaponry to exotic food & drink to fantastical celebration. The Elven Guard are prominent in Caershire as their presence in the streets is high and all noteworthy convicts are kept in the capital’s prison.  

Holy Days

Caershire holds an annual celebration known as The Holy Time of the Gods. Once the capital’s holiday was that in celebration of Corellon alone, but to assist in unity, the week was changed into a month-long celebration of all the gods. However, the last week of the celebration was in sole honor of Corellon and his victories in the crown wars.


Caershire is vastly diverse however, the Court and rulership is Elven run. The well-off districts tend to be made up of primarily elven residents with a small amount of human residents and few other races. The further out into the city, the more diverse the city is.


The political and mitary system of Caershire is run solely by the Elven Court and Guard. Caershire follows the same rules as the rest of Osnein. City specific taxes and tariffs are imposed on Caershire.


A tall, 30-foot gate surrounds the inner city which is constantly guarded and well armored. The guard patrol the streets and are easy to come by if need be. The guard answer quickly to cries for help.

Industry & Trade

Caershire is filled with ample and various trade. Residents sell goods, magic items, farm, trade, etc.


Silver District:

    The Silver District sits near the inner harbor of Caershire. Many politicians, philanthropists, and other wealthy residents of Osnein reside in this section of the capital. This district is the most heavily patrolled part of Caershire with gates closing the section off to the common people. The city faces the southern wall of the castle.    

Feygreen Gardens:

    The Feygreen Gardens is a protected conservation of various flowers and wildlife. The park sits near the harbor and is enjoyed by many for long strolls, picnics, and romantic nights under the stars. At the center of the park is a renown statue of Caer in all his likeness.     

Glimmering Port:

    One of two main points of entry and trade to Caershire. The port is connected to Corellon's Blood, the lake that connects the rivers of Osnein. This is a protected trade stop and all goods must be recorded and detail for the Elven Guard. Many who live in this district are shippers/fishers themselves or wealthier individuals as this section sits by the west wall of the castle.    

Seldarine's Grace:

    This awe-inspiring silver castle is said to be a sight for the ages. Reconstructed during Queen Aleesia's reign, the castle is a sight for sore eyes. Home to Osnein's ruler and meetings of the Elven Court, this structure is heavily guarded.    


    A more lowerclass section of Caershire, Widegate hosts many of the city's farmers and lowerend trades. This section of the city is more residential than others.    

Métier's Square:

    Home to many of Caershire's higher end trend and luxious goods. The best inns and eateries can be found in this district. This is a moderately well-off district with plentiful culture and art.     

Common District:

    This district is primarily residential with most vedors working from their homes and street vendors. This district is also the most diverse of the inner city as well as the most densely populated.    

Old Caer:

    This is the oldest section of Caer. Some of the original buildings still stand despite the years' wear. Many residents are prideful of this historical section, holding it as the most esteem district of the city despite much of Old Caer falling into shambles and poverty.     

Gate of Caer:

    A tall gate encompasses the entirety of the inner city. All openings are checkpoints that must be passed before entrance to the city. Some goods may be check on departure as well, but the guard are mostly concerned about incoming individuals and goods. This gate is patrolled night and day despite little history of attack.    


    Though not technically a part of Caershire, many view it as a lowclass district. Catreach has the highest crime rate of any district as many residents of Caershire who have lost their homes or were exiled due to criminal records tend to stay here as it is technically not Caershire. Catreach is a Shantytown.    

Lowersouth End:

    Although also on the outskirts of the gate, Lowersouth End is an official district of Caershire. This district is the most diverse of all the official districts. Many travelors/nonpermanent citizens reside in this district as it is before the gate checkpoint which can be monotonous to constantly pass.


Almost anything and everything can be found in Caershire. However, illegal goods are hard to come by without the right connections.

Guilds and Factions

The Osnein sector of the Pioneer's Guild host their homebase in Caershire. All their historical records can be found in their archive here.


Tourism is vast in Caershire. Many visit for the various poets, performers, and wine festivals. Some visit for exotic goods and brothers. The city is filled with museums, art galleries, and the scenic park.    The city's month long festival for all deities causes a surpiuss of tourism. Many set up camps on the outskirts of the city as it is never hard to find open lodging during this month. Many residents will open their homes to visitors to make spare money during this month.
City of Caershire

Notable Reigns

  Queen Corelle Larethian, the Silver Queen: (7500 to -7000)   Caer, Honorable Servant of Corellon: (-7000 to -6712)   Caerine Caerborn, the Guiding Light: (-6712 to -6093)   Aleesia Osnein, the Founder of New Times: (1296 to 1601)   Faerias Gaelin, Direct Servant of Corellon (1601 to present)
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
New Caer
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions


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