Church of Corellon Organization in Osnein | World Anvil
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Church of Corellon

The govermental power which rules over Osnein. This is the theocratical ruling of the nation. Ruling members are elected into a board known as the Elven Court. The Elven Court decides all poltical, millitary, and socioeconomical decisions of Osnein. The Elven Court holds 12 counsel members including the nation's ruler and the Elven Guard general.   Original settlement and colonization of the continent was done entirely by elven colonizations and missionaries who left the supercontinent after the 5th Crown War. The Elven Court was reimplimented in year -7500 during the times of Imas. Members of the elven court must be invited in when spots open by surviving members. Before a ruler of Osnein passes or resigns from reign, they will suggest a successor but the Elven Court will vote a final decision. However, never in Osnein or Imas history has an appointed ruler not been a member of the counsel or the previous ruler's chosen.    The Elven Court meets in Osnein's capital, Caershire, and many members reside in Caershire during their time appointed.    A nonelf has never been elected into official political office in the history of Osnein with the exception of lordness over smaller towns/villages or honorable rankings in the elven guard. However, many smaller human/dwarven/etc. villages tend to inact their own smaller-scale leadership in their settlements. The Elven Court rarely meddles in these affairs unless tariffs go unpaid or savagery goes unchecked.    The symbol for the Elven Court is that of a crescent moon embedded with emerald green gems.


  • City of Caershire
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories


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