Geoffrey McKinnon Character in Osnein | World Anvil
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Geoffrey McKinnon

Geoffrey McKinnon is a somber figure hailing from the quaint farming village of Alderdeen. Born and raised amidst the serene fields and bustling community, Geoffrey's early years were marked by boundless optimism and a warm-hearted demeanor. His life took a poignant turn when Mallory, a mysterious elven woman, arrived in Alderdeen. Their swift romance blossomed amidst the rustic charm of the village, and for a brief but blissful period, they were inseparable.   Tragically, Mallory's life was cut short by a merciless disease, leaving Geoffrey devastated and bereaved. The loss of his beloved wife plunged him into a deep sorrow from which he never fully emerged. Once a jovial and sociable member of the community, Geoffrey retreated into solitude, choosing to live a reclusive life on the outskirts of Alderdeen.   Despite his withdrawal from village life, Geoffrey remains a poignant reminder of love and loss in Alderdeen. Those who encounter him speak of a man haunted by memories of happier days, his spirit forever intertwined with the memory of Mallory and the fleeting happiness they once shared.


Mallory McKinnon


Towards Geoffrey McKinnon

Geoffrey McKinnon


Towards Mallory McKinnon



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