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Eloise Sharpe


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Season 2 Premier - We get out of the temple and head to our next destination.

We begin in the embalming room, where we decide to take a long rest with watches. (00:12:00)
  • Hear a sizzling noise coming from the goo/ooze in the middle of the room. We don't quite see anything inside of it though.
  • Watches are finished without problems.   We turn the flame red by adding blood, and using a sconce Kai finds a hidden room! Four statues with open palms, with rings in the palms of their that give off magic. A chest is also in the room that is giving off magic. Two dead bodies, very old and desiccated. The chest is locked, so Kai picks the lock.
  • Book/white cloth wrapped around it
  • - all black with massive eyeball in the center, looks around at us - "The Libram of souls and flesh" - all necromancy spells - Arty takes this book for further investigation
  • Small leather purse
  • - 20 platinum !
  • Assorted chalices
  • - 3 gold chalices We take a ring (00:53:00)
  • They are gold rings, Markus puts one on.
  • He has to make Int. Saving Throw, fails and the ring pops off!
  • Arty manages to get one on. His eyes go milky white, and his vision changes to seeing floating orbs instead of his party.
  • We go back into the pedestal room, and it is very bright. There are bright clouds being pulled into the smoke monster. (1:04:00)
  • (1:16:00) Kai feels into a wall, and there's a casket hiding in the wall. Markus and I say a prayer, the casket starts shaking and shatters. The body inside is very well preserved, but rapidly starts immediately decaying. We see a holy symbol on the body. Silver necklace-- Kelemvor's symbol.   After dispatching all the souls in the walls, we return to the pedestal room and start to see an orc woman in fetal position behind the clouds. (1:54:00)   After hitting it with a smite/gradient damage, the cloud breaks and the orc lady drops to the ground. They look pretty beat up. The hands that were below the cloud are holding their limbs in place.   The body starts to speak with an unnatural voice. (2:15:00)   Why are you locked up in your own temple?
  • I am not imprisoned in my own temple.
  • The orc lady gets put onto the ground, and the hands get absorbed into their body. We roll initiative. As we kill the orc (let's go Marcus) (3:13:00) The temple begins to crumble. We escape with our lives and exit the temple as it crumbles.   Our horses are there, so we take em and head back to Marfolin.   (3:18:00) Money split   bought incense for ritual for Binx x3   Dr. Luvgudh is going to Anathod and he is following a lead on Count Vance DuPont. He won't be back for a few weeks.   (3:50:00) YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A MOM ARTY General Store: Stationary and post-stamps and inks We re-summon Binx!!! After resting, we decide to take off to our next destination so we have plenty of time to finish dropping off the herbs.  

    The one where we save Arthur and we learn so much oh my god

    On the road to the temple of Tyr, we camp out next to a small rocky outcropping. On watch with one of the hooded men, he mentions that they expect some kind of favor in kind for helping us bring back Arthur. He says that coin won't mean much. Watches go by without issue and we continue our journey. A storm appears ahead but we push on to camp one more day. During watch, we spot a blue dragon in the distance!!!!!!!!!!! The hooded man said that dragons are pretty common in the desert and that they've even fought a red dragon at the temple once!! The watch goes by the rest of the way uneventfully and we finish our last day of travel. When we are almost to the temple, we spot a viper slithering towards us. Naseem approaches the snake and sings it, seemingly like a snake charm. He said that the snakes have a bad rep but are smart creatures who won't attack without need.   At the temple of Al Dothar: We meet Tavin (aka Tav). He will perform the ritual on Arthur's body. Targarious started by reading a poem (10/10). I went next, mending his broken watch. Then Sho, Kai, and Isla made a short speech. After a few moments, Arthur began breathing again and woke up. He was saying some weird stuff about Sho. He said he learned from the Raven Queen that his parents are alive. He hasn't seen his parents since he was 9. They were part of Premorth-- and on an expedition in Durbar they ran into a caravan of Veru. Arthur made it out alive by fleeing with a gnome Borbri Stoutfirm. The gnome took Arthur and became his new father in Merkwood. After we make sure he is okay, Arthur goes off by himself for a while and Binx goes with him. He seems very distraught and seems to have some sort of inner conflict. Eventually we all reconvene in our sleeping chambers.   Since there is a chance that Arthur's parents might still be alive, I decide to message Professor Jembelle and tell her I know Arthorius and ask about his parents. She frantically sends a message back and says that I shouldn't mention his name to anyone. She then sends another message asking where I am. When we tell her that we are at the temple she teleports here. She says that there are bad actors in the Premorth institute who wanted his parents out of the way and arranged to have them killed. She says that if Arthorius makes himself known, they could easily wipe him out as well. Arthur's dad was doing some kind of internal investigation and his parents were getting in the way of the bad actors. We questioned Jembelle under Zone of Truth so it was telling the truth.   Arthur and Jembelle go talk alone, then we all decide to head to sleep for now.   dsakjhfkjsadhfiuhqeroiufhyhq8u43tuh3t4qfuiherwfuihdsfsdijfasoidfaosihdfa   what a crazy unfolding of events I'm shooketh

    RIP Girth and goblin temple fight

    We set off on our journey to find the Y O L K E D goblin. We stock up on water skins and supplies for our trek. There wasn't a lot going on on the road until we spot another cart coming toward us. Riding in the cart is a male, his face covered and wearing a big cloak. All we can see are two orange eyes. He told us that he encountered a military caravan (not from Gul-Dratum) a few days prior. We decide to camp near an old oak tree and Binx is summoned back. On day two we travel fairly uneventfully until we stumble upon a very thin human he says his cart got attacked and stolen. His name is Girth.     ***Girth fucking explodes*** (then we get ambushed)   One goblin got away after casting a sending spell. The one we saved to question supuku'd himself so we decided to track the other goblin and follow him to a big temple with a shit ton of other goblins. We stake it out for a while and come up with a plan.   ___   Next session: After a bit of planning, Arthur decides to be a distraction so we can make a surprise attack on the goblins. We do our best. We almost all die. Arthur dies. I cast gentle repose on him and while we try our best to take care of his body a few of the guys go into the temple and find some weird shit. Purple corruption goop, the Bone Crusher goblin had the corruption on his body-- his eyes were big purple holes with the corruption glowing behind them. On the way back to the cart we run into two cloaked figures who claim they are part of the temple of Tyr. They say they can help try to raise Arthur from the dead -- their temple is just two days away. One of the men introduces himself as Naseem Al-Hashim.

    The big oopsie

    After killing all the suits of armor, we try pulling open the lid and get hit with a big ol' blast wave. Ojiro - demon-y-looking guy comes out. He speaks in abyssal. Ojiro tells us that he has been locked in prison since before the city fell. He doesn't align with the betrayer gods. The people he trained with would have become the "hand of the king", but he followed madam Galvashesh. (He was her right hand) They went against the Law Bearer. He luckily didn't kill us but left through the ceiling so we couldn't follow. When investigating the cell, Eloise found scratch marks (counting the days) all over the walls. << I think we found something in his chambers as well but check notes >> We head back to Gul-Dratum At the trade guild we find Gart and finish our delivery. Everyone gets 15 gold. Markus gets a letter from Targarious. JOB BOARD:
  • chicken wrangler - 2 copper/chicken
  • wanted poster from Deacon - "Bone Crusher" is a goblin wanted dead or alive - 200 gold. The unusually large goblin has been robbing farmers/harassing people on the road South of Gul-Dratum.
  • ** Isla is interested in looking for jobs. She says she Ran away from a place across the desert but claims no one is chasing her.   We go talk to Deacon at the temple of the Law Bearer.
  • We see him talking to someone who gives Sho the heebie-geebies. We let him know about the caravan and stuff. WE DONT MENTION OJIRO!!
  • He tells us the undead issue in the sewers was handled by the guy that was giving weird vibes. He is a pale human with ghost-white eyes named Dravik Bheymore.   *VERY IMPORTANT INFO THAT DEACON IS A ZADDY CONFIRMED*   __ Eloise heads to a magic store. Mithral Mantle. OWNED by Mr. Gobblebottom, an old gnome. We love him. He also is an alum of the Premorth Institute! Very cool very pog champ he gave me a student discount and we are totally friends now. He identifies the piece of gemstone we found-- it is a shard of Aeturnum. ((once per long rest it can restore a spell slot))

    We're Trapped in Ruins

    The elder of the orc tribe decides our fate: we walk the ruins (the rings of wooden pillars in the desert signify ruins) AKA Tervokk. We find a dead end with a stone door that has abjeration magic. We find a way to enter the room with magic crystals to protect a small entrance/door/pothole in the ground. We spend the whole time trying to figure out what to do. We are stupid. Ape together strong.


    Further investigation into the caravan
  • we find big animal tracks, drag marks, and an arrow in a dead body.
  • we follow the wheel tracks and find illusionary magic covering the tracks, so we continue to follow the illusion.
  • ***one eternity of trudging through the desert later*** Sho gets spotted, and dashes into camp. Eloise and Markus get spotted. Binx gets eaten. Everyone surrenders eventually and we all prepare to die.


    Starting off at brekky, we had a conversation about the job Deacon gave us. We decided we should go and ask for more details about specific locations of the caravan before heading off.
  • Sho approached the guard captain at the gate to ask about Deacon. We learned Deacon was a captain for 20 years. We asked about the caravan as well and learned it is about a day 1/2 journey to the south-east. 4 wagons and 12-15 people disappeared. Not sure what they were transporting.
  • Mentioned that there are a lot of drakes past the korife peaks in the desert. They are big lizards adapted to the hot climate.   We decided to head back to the rat'n'dagger to rest, and hydrate, then head out to the desert to find the caravan.
  • Eloise gets questioned about the fight (against the guys by the sewer) and Premorth by Sho and Arthur.
  • Eloise uses Binx to read some of Kai's books: Reading historical textbooks about battles, wars, and other combat fought by the Drurian Dynasty. Kai, Sho, and Eloise head to library and Crimson Corner.
  • Scorched Savannah
  • --------- Once uninhabited, it turned into a desert after the city of Tumeholde fell. --------- Orc Culture ----------------Veru are one of the oldest Orc bands known for their brutality. They don't have a camp, you won't see or hear them coming. (Maybe a dust cloud) Their most powerful warriors will meet and duel for respect. The alpha is decorated and treated with the most respect.   We headed out to find the caravan -- first night goes well -- we make camp to wait out the day's heat.   The second night a pack of hyenas follow us for a bit before losing interest. We eventually find the caravan completely ruined and rekt. Tracks are leading away from the wreckage.


    Given task: Learn everything you can about the fallen city Tumeholde. At the institute of Arcane (Premorth)
  • Bria Jembelle: Full elf, fair skin, piercing blue eyes. Eloise's professor.
  • On ship: > Uknown chanting heard and a green glow in the ship > "Gorelgoth will have their way" - Kraken under the Sanguine tides -- no one survives Kraken attacks. > Speaking infernal. "Mortals that live on land will never understand the power that is underneath the waves" - Creature that lives beneath Sanguine tides. Claims can take people's will and will rise up from the tides and reclaim what is theirs. > 6 days of terrible storms on the way to Meerlin. Still raging by the time we land. No shops are leaving the harbor so Markus and Eloise stick together. __ Kai: Paleish skin, long silvery hair in a ponytail, traditional samurai attire, KATANA (m'lady) Sho: Pale skin, dark hair, scar on face, 5'5, long dark robes, daggers, and short sword. (asscreed: osserea) Isla: Tall female, leather armor, blue/gray skin, amber eyes, gray hair. (stronk gorl) Arthurius: Tall half-elf, brown hair, blue eyes, wearing robes (big nerd energy) __ On the way into Gal'drat'um: Commotion at city gates: they ain't letting anyone in! (even after showing a paper from the academy) >:(
  • rat'n'dagger Inn: in the Crasmine Hollow.
  • We make a plan to sneak into the city through the sewers!! GOOD PLAN!! (( SIDE NOTE: Arthur is a tinkerer! He has a weird hourglass thing )) Before we get into the sewers, a bunch of THUGz attacks the group because they wanted to steal our coin and Eloise may or may not have started it by firing a fire bolt. We kill all but one thug (He ran away on the rooftops) When we get into the sewers, we go through some tunnels (totally not lost). We eventually got to an area that seemed like the drain of a bathhouse but the grates were stuck and we couldn't get in.


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