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Eloise Sharpe

Neutral Good Half-Elf (Premorth Initiate)
Cleric 4
35 / 35 HP

Campaign & Party

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Thu 22nd Jun 2023 10:33

Season 2 Premier - We get out of the temple and head to our next destination.

by Eloise Sharpe

We begin in the embalming room, where we decide to take a long rest with watches. (00:12:00)

  • Hear a sizzling noise coming from the goo/ooze in the middle of the room. We don't quite see anything inside of it though.

  • Watches are finished without problems.
    We turn the flame red by adding blood, and using a sconce Kai finds a hidden room!
    Four statues with open palms, with rings in the palms of their that give off magic. A chest is also in the room that is giving off magic. Two dead bodies, very old and desiccated.
    The chest is locked, so Kai picks the lock.
  • Book/white cloth wrapped around it

  • - all black with massive eyeball in the center, looks around at us
    - "The Libram of souls and flesh" - all necromancy spells
    - Arty takes this book for further investigation
  • Small leather purse

  • - 20 platinum !
  • Assorted chalices

  • - 3 gold chalices
    We take a ring (00:53:00)
  • They are gold rings, Markus puts one on.

  • He has to make Int. Saving Throw, fails and the ring pops off!

  • Arty manages to get one on. His eyes go milky white, and his vision changes to seeing floating orbs instead of his party.

  • We go back into the pedestal room, and it is very bright. There are bright clouds being pulled into the smoke monster. (1:04:00)

  • (1:16:00) Kai feels into a wall, and there's a casket hiding in the wall. Markus and I say a prayer, the casket starts shaking and shatters. The body inside is very well preserved, but rapidly starts immediately decaying.
    We see a holy symbol on the body. Silver necklace-- Kelemvor's symbol.
    After dispatching all the souls in the walls, we return to the pedestal room and start to see an orc woman in fetal position behind the clouds. (1:54:00)
    After hitting it with a smite/gradient damage, the cloud breaks and the orc lady drops to the ground. They look pretty beat up. The hands that were below the cloud are holding their limbs in place.
    The body starts to speak with an unnatural voice. (2:15:00)
    Why are you locked up in your own temple?
  • I am not imprisoned in my own temple.

  • The orc lady gets put onto the ground, and the hands get absorbed into their body. We roll initiative.
    As we kill the orc (let's go Marcus) (3:13:00) The temple begins to crumble. We escape with our lives and exit the temple as it crumbles.
    Our horses are there, so we take em and head back to Marfolin.
    (3:18:00) Money split
    bought incense for ritual for Binx x3
    Dr. Luvgudh is going to Anathod and he is following a lead on Count Vance DuPont. He won't be back for a few weeks.
    General Store:
    Stationary and post-stamps and inks
    We re-summon Binx!!!
    After resting, we decide to take off to our next destination so we have plenty of time to finish dropping off the herbs.

    Eloise's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

    1. 0-1
      22 Oct 2022 02:06:58
    2. 2
      07 Jan 2023 08:11:54
      07 Jan 2023 08:14:40
    4. We're Trapped in Ruins
      07 Jan 2023 08:18:08
    5. The big oopsie
      07 Jan 2023 11:22:41
    6. RIP Girth and goblin temple fight
      07 Jan 2023 11:53:48
    7. The one where we save Arthur and we learn so much oh my god
      08 Jan 2023 12:44:10
    8. Season 2 Premier - We get out of the temple and head to our next destination.
      22 Jun 2023 10:33:42

    The major events and journals in Eloise's history, from the beginning to today.

    The one where we save Arthur and we learn so much oh my god

    On the road to the temple of Tyr, we camp out next to a small rocky outcropping. On watch with one of the hooded men, he mentions that they expect some kind of favor in kind for helping us bring back Arthur. He says that coin won't mean much. Watches go b...

    12:44 am - 08.01.2023

    RIP Girth.

    We set off on our journey to find the Y O L K E D goblin. We stock up on water skins and supplies for our trek. There wasn't a lot going on on the road until we spot another cart coming toward us. Riding in the cart is a male, his face covered and wearin...

    11:42 pm - 07.01.2023

    The big oopsie

    After killing all the suits of armor, we try pulling open the lid and get hit with a big ol' blast wave. Ojiro - demon-y-looking guy comes out. He speaks in abyssal. Ojiro tells us that he has been locked in prison since before the city fell. He doesn't ...

    11:22 pm - 07.01.2023

    We're Trapped in Ruins

    The elder of the orc tribe decides our fate: we walk the ruins (the rings of wooden pillars in the desert signify ruins) AKA Tervokk. We find a dead end with a stone door that has abjeration magic. We find a way to enter the room with magic crystals to ...

    08:18 am - 07.01.2023


    Further investigation into the caravan - we find big animal tracks, drag marks, and an arrow in a dead body. - we follow the wheel tracks and find illusionary magic covering the tracks, so we continue to follow the illusion. ***one eternity of trudging...

    08:14 am - 07.01.2023


    Starting off at brekky, we had a conversation about the job Deacon gave us. We decided we should go and ask for more details about specific locations of the caravan before heading off. -- Sho approached the guard captain at the gate to ask about Deacon. ...

    08:11 am - 07.01.2023


    Given task: Learn everything you can about the fallen city Tumeholde. At the institute of Arcane (Premorth) - Bria Jembelle: Full elf, fair skin, piercing blue eyes. Eloise's professor. On ship: > Uknown chanting heard and a green glow in the ship ...

    02:06 am - 22.10.2022

    The list of amazing people following the adventures of Eloise.

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