Eye of Madness

The Eye of Madness is a truly staggeringly large whirlpool located at the extreme northeast of the Ostelliach map on the edge of and greatly influencing the currents of the Innana Ocean.   The Eye of Madness is responsible for churning the waves of the entire eastern coast of Ostelliach, making much of the Innana Ocean down to Deepdrop almost innavigable for naval travel. The whirlpool never shows signs of slowing or changing course, never moves from its location, and is of unknown origin (though records of its existence do stretch back from before The Breaking). It is because of the Eye that the Innana Ocean is so frigid in temperature and why the islands of Lost Hope and The Aquaduct are as inhospitable as they are.
Alternative Name(s)
Burī Akha, The Unseeing Death, Innana's Void
Location under
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